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Posts posted by Umi_Niwa

  1. Oh jeez, that article? Really?? Hahaha I forgot all about that. I didn't know it was Kiwamu rumored to be the one that was interviewed but it wouldn't surprise me if it was him.

    Wait how could he be an executive in the 90s when back in the 90s was he even in a band or even taking part in the VK scene? Or was he in just a bunch of shitty sinking ship indie bands like Blue Berry before forming the clusterfuck that was BLOOD? Wait the fuck I don't even care...


    Anyway, it's just pretty poor discussion to post a vague one liner with no backing to explain your reason and then the only defense is a link to an old and debunked article.

    You know what? I'm sick of you. Why don't you just go harass somebody else? This is what I think and if you have a problem then it's your problem.

  2. I cant really fault her for wanting to carry on working and making money. but there comes a time where enough is enough and its really time to put down the mic and bow out gracefully.


    On a more positive note though, at least shes stopped using that godawful autotune. But i still think she needs to retire. 

    This could apply to certain other people as well :P

  3. I believe it would be a good idea to recruit mods for a certain period of time. I think it will solve the problem of inactivity in the forum at least somewhat, since nobody or at least not everybody can be equally available for this and well, people lose interest at some point. I agree though, that an active site requires participation of both sides.

  4. I live with these three cats in my apartment. It's great cuz I don't feel me alone, ma sweeties often make me happy ♥ ♥ ♥
    That's the big boss in the house :D
    She's a Maine Coon cat ^__^
    She's also a Maine Coon with odd eyes & she's very cuddly ♥
    And here comes my Ragdoll cat with blue eyes. ♥ 
    She's almost 7 months old and still such a little doll (cat). xD

    You old cat lady xD  That Maine Coon is huge.

    I wish I could get a dog or a pet snake.

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