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Status Updates posted by YuyoDrift

  1. Good news in the morning? I'll take it.

  2. Robert Miles passed away?!?!?

    Holy Crap, my teen years are weeping.

  3. This will be a long week.

  4. TFW you realize that you actually paid for 128kbps almost a decade ago......


    Thanks Apple.

  5. This tax hike is some BS.



  6. You'd think that a company couldn't get any more cheap, but then you remember where you work.


  7. The overtime is cool and all, but I'd rather trade that for some decent Coffee and Donuts in the Morning haha.

  8. Note to self:

    Hire a professional to install a water heater.

  9. So the ENTIRE fucking UFC streaming service is down EVERYWHERE. DDoS I'm sure.

  10. Time to renew my license plates, yet again. 

    This time I feel like getting vanity plates. I think I might get one that says "VKLYF" haha.

  11. Mark my words.

    City Pop WILL make a comeback.

    My body will be ready.

  12. Fack me I got placed on a waitlist to play D2 lol

  13. TFW your boss tell you you're too bossy, and then when shit hits the fan, they beg you to take charge.

  14. TFW the client blames you after not remembering their PW and Recovery email and their phone is dead.....


    Dumb motherfucker.


  15. Hold the fuck up.

    Masato Nakamura composed the music for Sonic 1 & 2? 


    Holy shit.

  16. These City Pop live streams at midnight are keeping me alive man.

  17. For the first time, I fell asleep at the movie theater. A good 20 min.

    Good lord what have I become? lol


  18. Fuck. I forgot that Gundam Versus came out on PSN.

  19. Wow. People were right about Kamijo's Mademoiselle. It does sound like something from Malice Mizer, which I suppose is not a bad thing, but still...

  20. God I love synthwave purists sometimes lol

  21. Time to compile my witch house playlist for tonight.

  22. I just spent 5 hours nonstop reviewing for my Final, and it's not even fucking there online for me to take.


    Seriously wtf is up with instructor? 

  23. Time to digitally hoard like I have never before lol

  24. Oh god it's been a hilarious year. We are barely 2 weeks in!

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