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Posts posted by Novvy

  1. Man, I really did want to like this new addition to the series but I never really could get used to the revamped battle system. I blame myself on that though as I'm was too impatient and disappoint to learn it, but It just felt icky the whole time, like some unfinished really great looking tech-demo FF style. Does the battle system get better with time?

  2. I'm not too well versed when it comes to the whole copyright mumbojumbo on radio, but that podcast that's always featured over at jpopsuki seems to feature majorly popular Japanese artists like Perfume and Ayumi Hamasaki without repercussions. Don't think they have the actual budget to acquire a permit for airing that. What I've noticed though is that they feature the music only during the live stream. The actual recording viewable afterwards only has the talky bits left in and the music cut out. Maybe that is an questionable option for making this work after all!?

  3. I recently stumbled across a band called How to count one to ten. I'm not sure if they're already known on here or not (I assume they probably are) but if you haven't checked them out yet then I'd say they're definitely worth a listen. They have a new album out next month too I believe.


    Yeah! I had a listen of building blocks the other day actually!

    Very appealing to hear a group do mostly math that don't so much ask of your attention-span.

    Something I would easily put on in a non-obtrusive way so to speak

  4. Yeah, these guys are really great. I shared their album here if you check in the DL section. One of the more promising Japanese instrumental bands in recent times!




    Awesome, thanks CAT5! I'll check it out tonight.

    Any other interesting instrumental outfits worth a mention?

    Doesn't necessarily need to be post-rock for that matter.

  5. Toru kitajima's or TK's (凛として時雨, TK from 凛として時雨) work is always ace in my book.


    Been obsessing over his musicianship for a while now, and it only seems to be growing more with time.

    I'd kill to have a talk about his working ways or what goes on in his thought process when he's in the studios.

  6. Anyone got their eyes peeled on Lop abuse on somebody's stuff?


    Name always cracks me up as I have no idea what lop means, besides a term used in dutch soccer when you flick the ball upwards, so i'm sticking with that for now :lulzz:


    Nice emotive post-rocky sounds, especially like how the bass is utilized


  7. A band that always stuck out for me with its ever gaining fanbase was 神聖かまってちゃん (Shinsei Kamattechan).


    Now I haven't really sat down to thoroughly listen to their discography, but I see them frequently popping in up in guest acts, collaborating with noticeable artists to say the least.


    Don't get me wrong, I'm kinda starting to dig the whole zaniness that is almost childish in a way, I just wonder why it appeals to so many people in general. It all started from some niconico vids that rolled the ball in Japan right? But besides the following over there I've heard a lot of people creating buzz overseas.



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