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Posts posted by KazumaFujiwara

  1. Yeah I'll have a room mate. It's a good friend of mine and she has a job and we're both saving up before we move out so we won't be flat broke when we do. But my dad didn't exactly make it easier when he asked to borrow $200+ and said he would pay it back that next week and it's already been a month. All of these f.ucks up here are just giving me more of a reason to move.

  2. Well.... another holiday event fucked up by my mother. we were supposed to go to my cousin's and grandmother's, but she decided to be in an even pissier mood today so we never went. She ALWAYS does that on every single holdiay on purpose, she gets pissed for god knows what reason and does her damnest to screw with the day. oh well, we had a turkey here and all of that stuff so at least i got to feast on that.

  3. yay for exams!

    But recently i took my driver's test and passed it with flying colors (i must've been high to see flying colors), but i passed none the less. Now i can steal cars with joy.

    Also there's a friend of mine, i've liked her for a while, but i didn't know if she liked me, told me recently that she likes me and that just made my whole year better, lol. I'm going to see her for my birthday which will be good because i usually don't celebrate it, so at least I'll be with someone that I'd enjoy being around instead of some jackasses.

  4. They do kinda suck live but it would be better if they wouldn't use the videogame/midi sound with their guitars on the live shows, they should've just used plain electric sounds, such as with the through the fire and flames song they played live in shinbuya o-east, had the guitars sounded different it wouldn't have been as bad.

  5. my mother is fucken worthless. I get woken up at 6:30 am because i can hear her bitching about something. Instead of her talking like a normal person she always has to yell, the only time she never yells if she's sick or not here. So of course I couldn't get back to sleep so I start cleaning my room, which i had a couple of bowls in here from yesterday that i forgot to wash. I take the bowls to the kitchen and wash and there's a big ass pile of dishes in the sink already from when they (including my mother) didn't wash, but i only wash my own dishes, i figure if i can wash mine they can take 2 minutes to wash their's. So I wash my dishes, come back to my room to finish cleaning, and she starts bitching about that i washed only my dishes and not their's. Did she want me to just leave my dishes in the sink like they did? if that's the case i would've been more than happy to do so if that would've prevented me from being bitched at about washing my dishes. Then she's saying about my drivers test today. I have a drivers test today and i was supposed to have it way back in january but she's been delaying it and my permit expires at the end of this month, so i'm supposed to use my sister's car for the test. Last week when i scheduled the test the guy told me i can take it on wednesday but i asked if i could the latest possible time, which is at 2pm. I left my mother a note saying specifically what date, day, and time i have the test so she couldn't say she couldn't remember the date. She then comes and tells me that there's no insurance on the car because they have to pay $50 something on it, so i give her the money for the insurance. But then she was saying that the horn doesn't work on the car and that she told my dad about it and he has to fix it. Well this was last week she told me that and today she's telling me "And if he doesn't fix that horn you can't take your test, so if you have anyone to blame for not taking the test blame him" i shouldn't have to blame him, i blame her because it's her fault i didn't take the test in the first place 10 months ago. Then she says "Maybe you should pressure him to fix the horn how you pressured me for your license." first off i was supposed to get my license years ago but she would never take me for the test. She took me once about 2 years ago and i failed it by one question, and didn't take me again until last year. and my "pressuring" her is exactly like this:

    me: "Mom, can you take me out driving today so you can see i can drive"

    her: "No"

    *weeks later*

    me: "Mom, can you take me out driving today so you can see i can drive"

    her "No"

    that's over the course of 10 months. Out of those 10 months I drive 4 times. I told her the whole point of the permit was to let me practice driving, not waiting until the last minute for her to bitch about it.

    The other thing is she's bitching about me not having a job. Ok, once upon a time i was working at party city, it was for a seasonal halloween position. well near the end of the month i started looking for another job because i knew that one was going to be ending pretty soon. well the manager told us that they would need people to work after halloween was done, so that meant i didn't have to look for another job. well aparently the manager didn't keep his word about that and never called most of the people back, which meant i was out of a job. Well, when i went out of town my friend called me about a job, but since i wasn't here he left a message. I heard the message and for a while couldn't get in contact with him because of course he always has his phone off, so what else could i do? I couldn't go to his job/school because i didn't have a way to get there. I finally saw him about 2 days ago and asked him about the papers he was supposed to give me for the job but he left him somewhere. so what is my mother saying "And like him (meaning me) he doesn't have a fucken job, his friend called about a job and did he bother to call him? No" Ok, now i would under stand if she's bitching about something i actually did wrong, but she argues all the time with assumption. She assumed i didn't call my friend about the job which i did and he was the one who forgot the papers, the was nothing what so ever i could do about it after because he or i didn't have any of the info about the job, so i couldn't even call the company about the job. The she's complaining about me hanging out with my friends which god knows i do only like once a month, if that, and she's saying that i'm out there in the streets probably smoking weed. first off i don't smoke weed, i smoke cigarettes, second the last time i checked, an apartment wasn't a street. it was me and several other friends hanging out at one of their apartments playing the nintendo wii all night. we couldn't do that here because she would've complained about there being "too many" (meaning more than 1) people here. There's other miscellaneous things she also bitched about but i don't feel like getting into detail about, sorry about the rant, but i just had to get that off my chest. it's something that constantly happens here and it's one of the main reasons why i'm trying to move out which it seems she's always trying to prevent.

  6. This student loan crap is pissing me off. *prepares the needessly long story* Someone give me liquor, for i shall require it to tell the story. Well.....quite a few years back I was going to college at westwood. I got enrolled and applied for student loans. Now the problem was that even though I applied for loans, I was still paying cash out of my pocket for books and tuition every month, which seemed kinda fishy to me. Well eventually I quit my job because they cut my hours so horribly (down to like 2 or 3 hours a day), so that meant i couldn't pay my tuition and they told me i couldn't go back till i did. Well of course i didn't go back and i guess i wasn't enrolled there anymore, so of course the greedy bastards started sending letters about payment, I wasn't going to pay it back because i felt i shouldn't have to at the time because the student loans were supposed to cover all of that stuff. Well eventually they stopped with the letters from the college, however, i started getting letters from the people who gave me the loan, so it's a $13k loan I have to pay back, which pisses me off because I'm trying to save up money to move out and that means I'm not paying that loan back because I'm not going to be stuck here at home just to pay off some loans for some shitty education (that school is crap). And I don't want to do bankruptcy because that'll be like 8 years in which i can't get credit for certain things. I'll just have to go back to school ( a different school ), get my degree, a better job, and then start paying back the loans. It'll be better than doing bankruptcy.

  7. I need help finding a song, it's not jrock related though. The only thing I know about the song is that it's saying about a lonely country girl and a city boy taking a bus to nowhere.... or something like that. It plays on the radio pretty often, and i think it says the boy is from detroit, but i know it's some part of michigan though. anyways if anyone can throw some song titles my way of which one it could be i'd very much appreciate it.

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