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Everything posted by Karasuma

  1. Karasuma

    I love My Dragon xD!!! Do you have big pic band, please? Because, I don't find >_<
  2. Sure! it was ironic ^^" It's true that this label is a small business.
  3. shit! Shimizuya records likes limited editions! Thanks for the news ^^
  4. Karasuma

    voting is through PS mobile http://m.pscompany.co.jp/qr/2011summer/ Thank u ^^
  5. Karasuma

    Where can I vote, please? I don't find >_<
  6. Karasuma

    yes it is true that you can listen to all music on their site. One can also download the first song.
  7. Karasuma

    Yes I wait with great anticipation! Since the time I'm waiting! *laughter*
  8. Karasuma

    ahahah yes yes I was verified!! Thank you so much ^^
  9. Karasuma

    Ah!!! I thought that "departure" meant to leave the band! Neine, where are the details of an overdose?
  10. Karasuma

    Ehh! I thought that "departure" meant leaving the band! OMG I am surprised! Sorry for my misunderstanding!
  11. Karasuma

    oh no! I hoped that Shii would keep his group.
  12. so great! thanks for the information ^^
  13. Karasuma

    Ah je suis désolée, j'ai pas mit à jour. J'ai vendu les deux cheki de Anli Pollicino y'a quelques semaines. Je suis désolée ^^" edit: And 4 news cheki Vidoll, Tero (drums) 8 euro ClearVeil, Hisayoshi (bass) 5 euro LAYZis, Satoru et Show (Vocal and Guitar) 5 euro LAYZis, Satoru (Guitar) 5 euro
  14. Karasuma

    Why? It's strange, the grouo was fine!
  15. Karasuma

    Ryo? It's Ryu no? Sorry if it's wrong >_<
  16. Karasuma

    Chiaki is a first vocal of [1=passeword] and new vocal of Acid cherry king Fistr blog => http://ameblo.jp/1-password-chiaki/ new blog => http://ameblo.jp/chiaki-ack/
  17. Karasuma

    Yes and then? * laughter * I didn't say that! We don't get used to see a band we like to disband! It's normal!
  18. Karasuma

    We are not surprised! Just so jaded disbanding.
  19. Karasuma

    I don't know. But it is annoying. It's the end of visual kei !!!!!!!
  20. Karasuma

    Neo will disband after their live at Ikebukuro Black Hole on April 18, 2011 http://neo-official.com/
  21. Karasuma

    Chiaki <3
  22. Karasuma

    oula!!!! Diva and Danger Gang!!!! >_< fortunately that is only one group session. And I had a false joy! xD I thought it was Haru of Gizmo! Thank you ^^ I hope that Kaito will find something to do. But I do not like this group session.
  23. Karasuma

    Heisei Ishin!! <3 I love this photo!!!
  24. Sorry but "Bonjour".... xD I imagine the singer announced the song .... I'm sorry but it makes me laugh.
  25. Karasuma

    Sorry for second post (>_<) But I have 2 new cheki for sold. Anli Pollicino, Shindy (vocal) and Kyozumi (Drums) SOLD
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