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Everything posted by zetork

  1. 5 consecutive months of songs Continuous delivery single 2020.05.01【ALIVE】 2020.06.01【空想ノート】(Kuusou Note) 2020.07.01【パブロフの猫】(Pavlov no neko) 2020.08.01【息する為に】(Iki suru tame ni) 2020.09.01【23:59】
  2. New 7th Single「パンドラ」(Pandora) 2020.04.22 CD 1. SE 2. パンドラ (Pandora) 3. 古毒のカンタレラ (Ko doku no Cantarella) DVD 1. パンドラ (Pandora)(MV) 2. パンドラ(Making) Live? 3. Stargazer 4. 歌舞伎町ミッドナイト 5. くたばれエイリアン 6. モノクローム 7. 捻くれモンスター 8. 2次元ラヴァーズ 9. 依存症パズル 10. 愁いのアリア 11. 心の在処 https://mikansei-alice-official.amebaownd.com/posts/6007214
  3. zetork

    Lavitte one man show 『仮面の告白』 at Aoyama RizM Live Limited Single 『All from T』 2020.04.02
  4. zetork

    Digital Song HUMAN NODE 2020 iTunes, Spotify, Amazon 02.13 https://music.apple.com/jp/album/human-node-2020-single/1496293856
  5. 3 month Distribution limited single 1st『marionnette (bailout ver)』 2020.02.26 2nd 夏色アバンチュール Natsuiro Aventure (bailout Ver.) 03.xx 3rd Aster 04.xx Cover『marionnette (bailout ver)』 2020.02.26
  6. マザー MOTHER 3 songs will be distributed Today 2020.10.12 「アヴェマリア」(Ave Maria) 「SLAVERY DOLLY」 「MASK」 iTunes, Spotify etc https://music.apple.com/us/artist/mother/1498084610
  7. zetork

    Voc 亜蓮-Allen- Band Keyboard HATA & Voc 亜蓮-Allen-
  8. zetork

    New Band Deuzer デウザー 1st Live「I.D.」vol.3 2020.02.11 at Ikebukuro BlackHole Members: Voc 亜蓮-Allen- Gut 穹舞 ~tsuvasa~ Ba 爾㬉 じのん ༅zinonn༅ Keyboard HATA Dr Ma〜ri https://twitter.com/Deuzer_official Instagram @allen_vocal_deuzer @zinonn_deuzer @tvs_deuzer @hata_deuzer @ma__ri_deuzer
  9. Rumbless Live on 2020.02.22 at 新宿club SCIENCE Rumbless. presents Takaki&Sin 生誕主催「prism」 Next 2nd EP「Σ-sigma-」 Released on the same day
  10. zetork

    Cover Live Limited Single「CREEPER」 2020.03.09 CD 01.CREEPER 02.独善 (Dokuzen) Red apple 😅
  11. ケレン気関車 (Keren Kisekisha) 🤔
  12. Luckily they will only take a pause to reform the band, they may even change their name 🤯
  13. 0.1gの誤算 (0.1g no Gosan) Live Limited Singles Digital distribution gosan's presents 玄人向けシングル集 (Kurouto muke Single Collection) 2020.02.09 You can listen to songs that are only available at the Live 1. NEW AGE HEAVEN 2. ZOMBIE’S LOVE LETTER 3. オオカミ男と月兎 (Ookami otoko to Tsukito) 4. プロミス・イブ (Promise・Eve) 5. 天地開闢 (Tenchi Kaibyaku) 6. Inner Light 7. murder show time 8. 月詠センチメンタル (Tsuki uta Sentimental) 9. 196番地の女 (196 Banchi no onna) 10. DEAREST 11. フルニトラゼパム (Flunitrazepam) iTunes, Spotify, Google play etc
  14. GLORIA First Distribution 1st mini ALBUM 「DIVISION」 2020.06.20 coming soon… New members wanted! ! The application deadline is until 03.01 Bassist & Drumer
  15. zetork

    CieLGraVE will Disband after Last Live for two days on 2020.04/20.21 at Livehouse Rumio We will report on the details of the live later.
  16. AIOLIN New Look 2020 New Limited Single『Dusk Reaper』Cut version 2020.02.20 Next 4th Single Dusk Reaper 2 Types Soon more details FULL MV
  17. zetork

    会場限定 (Live Limited) CD「溺死」(Dekishi) 2019.07.15 1. 溺死 (Dekishi)
  18. zetork

    蟻 Ari Next 3rd Single Soon more information 3rd Single is almost completed 2020.02.22 1stOne man admission privilege🐜 2020.02.22 Ikebukuro EDGE 1st Oneman「3億分の1」 Admission Benefits CD『真実の糸』(Shinjitsu no ito) 🐜🐜
  19. The trilogy single is finally complete 3rd Single of his Trilogy「Persona Grata」2020.04.29 LIMITED CD + BOOK CD 1.Persona Grata 2.Undecided title (Unreleased new song) 3.Mystery 4.Persona Grata [Instrumental] 5.Undecided title (Unreleased new song) [Instrumental] 6.Mystery [Instrumental] REGULAR CD 1.Persona Grata 2.Undecided title (Unreleased new song) 3.Mystery http://chateau-agency.com/kamijo/release/6862
  20. zetork

    New image New date 1st Full Album AGEHA on 2020.04.09
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