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Posts posted by jurideluhi

  1. if your love partner has a disease?

    1st case : you meet someone,somehow he/she unable to talk(or other diseases like can't walk,can't hear) because of the disease itself. but this one,just before you couple with that person you had already knew it all. and that so,you actually love him/her. (this case is before you couple that person)

    2nd case : during your love relationship,suddenly you found out that he/she had the diseases or probably he/she will tell you in person. (this case is when you and your partner are in a love relationship)

    So....if you were in these two situations,what would you do?

    If its me :-

    in 1st case,I will accept the person to be with me but it will depend to the extend of the disease.meanwhile,in 2nd case,I will have to ask for break.

    its that simple ;)

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