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Everything posted by jurideluhi

  1. jurideluhi

    Toon factory-last scene <3
  2. jurideluhi

    Malaysia sux at customs ^-^ just saying.
  3. jurideluhi

    DELUHI 19 Versailles 18 ZODIA 1 Megaromania 8 D 16 Matenrou Opera 21 Awoi 15
  4. jurideluhi

    Versailles Matenrou Opera D'espairsRay Deluhi Plastic Tree(del) Dir en grey RED universe RENTRER EN SOI MERRY ギルガメッシュ Deathgaze
  5. jurideluhi

    Has a bf(?) x3
  6. jurideluhi

  7. jurideluhi

    Lunasea-crazy bout you
  8. jurideluhi

    I agree with mad_hatter. srsly,getting visa in japan really that hard?
  9. jurideluhi

    samsons-kenangan terindah
  10. jurideluhi

    kick a sexy prostitute
  11. jurideluhi

    Versailles Matenrou Opera D'espairsRay Deluhi Plastic Tree Dir en grey 9GBO RENTRER EN SOI GOLDEN BOMBER Galneryus (del) MERRY
  12. jurideluhi

    yaoi handsome guys or pretty girls?
  13. jurideluhi

    no ate chicken today?
  14. jurideluhi

    DELUHI 18 Versailles 17 ZODIA 2 Megaromania 9 D 16 Matenrou Opera 20 Awoi 16
  15. jurideluhi

    @hana Just for this month :] ^Loves yui from cindykate ^-^
  16. jurideluhi

    new breed-immune anything but you
  17. jurideluhi

    DELUHI 18 Versailles 18 ZODIA 4 Megaromania 11 D 16 Matenrou Opera 18 Awoi 15 triple 8's
  18. jurideluhi

    2 keychains...
  19. jurideluhi

    has 5 links on her siggy =D
  20. jurideluhi

    I doubt they will be good.But I really like eros very much..
  21. jurideluhi

    I would be the most happiest person ever to see you Sure yes.n i don't like their new look Has a psp and also a ps3 console C:
  22. jurideluhi

    erm WHAT? JESUS?
  23. jurideluhi

    I never seen her
  24. jurideluhi

    boring preview as much as I hate to watch the pv. I like the music a bit but the pv really does sucks ball. wtf! what's with ryouga's new look? argh. first it was shin trying to be like shou.now its ryouga trying to be like ruki? man.
  25. jurideluhi

    hiv aids has becoming a very serious case and it is increasingly here my country lately. I read about money boy too.Helping parents with the kind of prostitute work isn't gonna last long.That kind of easy work,parents won't appreciate because those money earned worked in prostitution are dirty. People who worked as prostitute are just idiot and think of shortcuts to earn money.Not to mention robberies etc. Infected people with hiv aids has meaningless life.. Don't know why even they would risk their life just for the sake of being filthy rich fast.very small minded. well I got to agree LIFE IS HARD actually to me. I'm not a rich born kid.I used to be in a poverty situations when I was a kid.won't mention because you know what it feels like to study without light at night,no vehicle to go to school,not enough food to eat(starving most of the time). but life changed when my siblings had worked and help the family throughout their education. what i can say is,having strong education is the most powerful thing ever. well it is proven..
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