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Posts posted by Jigsaw9

  1. Just start with Sad Blood Rock 'n' Roll, then check out Babylon and then The Rose God Gave Me. Those three are all you'll ever need by Sads.

    This, basically. Though they have some cool songs on later albums too (but not so much like these three).

  2. LUNA SEA will be re-recording their classic first album "LUNA SEA" in its entirety, and they'll release it on March 16th. The special album will be released in these three types:

    - Premium Box containing the CD + Shade demotape replica + premium goods

    - CD + document DVD

    - CD

    Exciting!!! I'm really curious to hear how the album would sound now. :)

  3. This is the first "new MERRY" single that just somehow doesn't do anything for me.

    Yakou feels like it's okay and stuff but I don't know...I miss something. It's nicely executed but I just can't get into it at all. Maybe it'll grow on me like The Cry Against... did. For now, it just bores me. The new Lost Generation isn't bad but I'm so attached to the original that it's weird listening to the new one. XD I didn't really feel the remix but I guess it's passable as a curious addition.

    I didn't really like this one, but still looking forward to their future stuff ('cuz their singles so far were nice). :)

  4. One of the best concerts of my life! It was so perfect. I can still hardly believe I actually saw them. It was amazing. I was so moved when they played FACE TO FACE and Providence, those were awesome both sound-wise and in visuals.

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