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Everything posted by Jigsaw9

  1. Some metal albums I recently dl'd and gonna check out in the next couple of days~ - Fördärv - Between the Eternities (seems like decent Swedish black metvlz) - Hooded Menace - Gloom Immemorial (horror-themed death/doom, should be nice) - The Crown - Death Is Not Dead (always wanted to check 'em out, now is the time I guess) - Desolate Shrine - The Heart of the Netherworld (dunno them but sounds promising) Anyone already familiar with these bands/albums? What's your opinion?
  2. Will cautiously keep on eye on this... might be good.
  3. Maco... https://twitter.com/zoisite_info/status/556434232910688256
  4. VELVET EDEN will release their new mini album "Blanc et Noir" on 2015/03/25. It's limited to 1000 copies, price is 2500Y and it comes with a 12-page booklet. Design/bandpic: https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10353180_814157821964536_5237085692475337796_n.jpg?oh=14b249d151a070f854a954391c964cef&oe=553752A0&__gda__=1429347625_a30fc1ec79fc2e16053171db32c6812a https://twitter.com/VELVETEDENChro/status/556420784734756864 yayyyy can't waittt~
  5. Jigsaw9

    ooh~ sounds neat~
  6. Jigsaw9

    He should team up with that ex-VizeL vocalist and the ex-Himitsu Kessha Codomo A drummer who also stole money, and form a band together! #instantsuccess
  7. Jigsaw9

    OMG everything about this yesssssssssssssss
  8. new cali≠gari album new cali≠gari album new cali≠gari album ( /;w;)/

  9. Jigsaw9

    Wow, it's been a while.
  10. Jigsaw9

    Album cover? https://twitter.com/THE_HAKKIN/status/555714710385876992 not sure but OMG I HOPE IT IS <333
  11. Jigsaw9

    ^ Niiiiiice (always interested in anything Dillinger-related xD), thanks~
  12. Jigsaw9

    Over the top and dramatic are good enough selling points for me! Gonna get 'round to the Poe adaptations in the near future then, thanks for mentioning them.
  13. Jigsaw9

    ^ Nope, have not seen that one yet. Sounds good with that premise / lineup tho! Actually, I'm not even sure I've seen any of his films at all (or might have but can't remember any title specifically to tie to his name right now).
  14. Jigsaw9

    Tokyo label INTERACT RECORDS (focusing on hardcore music) has a handful of "INTERACT COLLECTIVE" compilations up for totally free at their Bandcamp. An impressive array of random obscure HC bands, about 1/3 Japanese stuff. http://interactrecords.bandcamp.com/ (5 compilations = more than 150 tracks ayyy xD)
  15. Jigsaw9

    What We Do in the Shadows - OMG this movie was so much fun!! I'm usually very suspicious of horror comedies because it's a mashup that's easy to mess up but this one was just awesomely hilarious. Granted, it isn't so much horror as it is a terrific mockumentary about a house of weirdo vampires and their various "adventures" leading up to an annual ball for the creatures of the night. Highly recommended! The Resurrected - I've been meaning to check this out because of two reasons: 1. loose adaptation of a Lovecraft story, 2. supposedly awesome special effects. Well, they sure did deliver on that second aspect! Some very killer creature effects there. The movie itself was okay-ish, at most times 'almost good' but not quite there. The acting was kinda ridiculously bad at times, haha. Anyway, decent horror.
  16. MAST and Ray in one band again, that's the realistic best I could hope for. xD ...so now crossing my fingers that their music won't be boring, heh.
  17. Jigsaw9

    ^ Thanks for the suggestions! I'll check 'em out!
  18. Jigsaw9

    ^ Well, they've been playing gigs non-stop as usual. No official full-time drummer yet, only that MW dude (from DOWNER). He's been sticking with them pretty often tho, so maybe he'll graduate to being a full member sometime in the future? Oh, and I recall one of the members tweeting that they/he has been writing some demo songs now and then. btw their next big oneman live will be on 2015/02/01 at TSUTAYA O-WEST.
  19. Jigsaw9

    Oh dang, so far away and on such short notice.... not fair.... ;_____________; </3
  20. Jigsaw9

    Come on guyzzzz ♪
  21. Jigsaw9

    Holy fuck, Effigy is good!!! Just started listening to them. dat guitar sound is making me feel things... Also: random horror soundtrack samples, I can hear youuu~ ;D
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