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Status Updates posted by Ito

  1. Finally cleaned my computer monitor...it's all purdy now :D

  2. I canceled my PS4 preorder, but man so I still want to play Octodad.

  3. downy x toe concert? Anyone want to fly me to Japan? http://www.toe.st/shows/index.html

  4. la la larks needs to hurry the fuck up and put out a CD.

  5. Any one the MH members from Seattle want to entertain the idea of hosting my gf and I if we fly out for Sakuracon?

  6. God damn is my new job ever frustrating...this week has utterly drained me. Time to travel to the land without internet to recharge over the weekend.

  7. Why does trying to find a decent apartment need to be harder than Yoshiki when he is thinking about himself?

  8. Finally have consistent internet!

  9. This weekend was a lot of fun but a lot of work. I am so ready for bed.

  10. For those who are celebrating it, what are you dressing up as for Halloween? I am going to be the ever sexy Bob Ross.

  11. " and no matter how many times I see vk dongs, I feel oddly disappointed that they aren't somehow more stylish than my dong"

  12. What in the fuck did I just watch? (NSFW) - http://animatorexpo.com/mememe/

  13. Offically without a car for the next 10 days.... yay...

  14. aaaand wifi card is dead. Guess it's time for overheating laptop until the new one comes in the mail.

  15. COgeNdshE needs to put out something new

  16. 14 Hour work days will be the death of me -___-

  17. Computer is FINALLY set up in the new place. But of course as soon as that happen, I'm having internet problems -___-

  18. Holy shit BLU-SWING is groovy as fuck.

  19. Old school and hardcore TW/MH members - message me if you are interested in be involved in a short project. 

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