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Everything posted by Hikari

  1. Hikari

    Oh, Like I said, I listen VK from some years now, and yesterday someone send me links to listen at some old VK/ J-rock... And I felt really a Dumbass to never listen at buck-tick, SADS, cali gari, etc. before ^^" About RPGs I love squarsoft (f*ck Square enix), star ocean, Resonance of fate, valkyria profile, suikoden...
  2. Hikari

    So, hi, my name's Alex, I'm 20 years old and I'm French. I'm first loving video games, especialy Japanese RPGs and 2D fighting games. Well, about Japanese music I like VK from some years now, My favorite bands are DEATHGAZE, Lynch., D'espairsRay, but I like a lot of others bands too like Dir en grey, phantasmagoria, Cocklobin, Fatima, Kagerou, etc. I don't really know what to saying but if you have any questions you can ask me Thanks and see ya
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