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Posts posted by gyakutai

  1. ^same here, if you like the artist, you should go even if you are alone (if you are young like me, I mean if you have your parents' permission). It's fun the same. I went to Despa live alone and I talked with some nice girls during the show ^^ so you won't be alone at all.

  2. I simply love this album! For now, it's the best 2011 album so far. I am really satisfied with Lin, and I hope they will come back to their mini-hiatus even stronger than before. My favourite tracks were Fall... and Continuation of dream. I love also Cold Sabbath, it's an amazing intro, seriously... Gothic and melancholy. I am glad to have bought it, can't wait to receive my copy. I suggest everyone to try it at least because it's really interesting, and it's the first true FULL album made by a KISAKI's band, lol.

    Overall: 9/10

  3. DNR sucks. But it's not because they're Italian. As usual, many people think like that, indeed. Italy has many good bands (mostly gothic/metal ones xD), so, I feel embarassed that it's THEM who will go to this festival.

  4. I don't feel like I need to announce my sexuality to anyone and everyone. It has nothing to do with being ashamed of it, it's more to do with believing that my sexuality does not define me and doesn't make me any less or more special than any of the other strangers wandering the streets.

    This. That's why I don't like when someone (ethero, bisex, gay...), is doing something too much on public with someone else xD But I understand it, sometimes it can happen to lose control of your emotions... so. Though some people kisses/flirt on the streets just to show off = :Umno:

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