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Posts posted by gyakutai

  1. ^totally second this

    Ah, UCP is so unlucky with overseas concerts... look at Nega concert in Hong Kong, Megaromania in Romania, Lin in South Korea... Only USA fans has been lucky x_x

    Now Nega and another UCP band should come. I know who is. But... they said they would have come in April. Indeed they should hurry up and reveal the tour dates.

  2. Lol gyakutai invading the Artists subforum XD

    And in the last 2 minutes you changed your ava. I love that pic O____O It's from Schwarzchild right, could you send me a link of the pic where I could get it>?

    yup :shock: I have no homeworks and I am sick XDD

    Yeah, exactly! ^^; sending you the link right now :hug2:

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