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Posts posted by gyakutai

  1. already?

    What do you mean "already"? If we are to trust him, he didn't leave because of "musical differences". It clearly says he's sick. Jeez.

    ah sorry, i didn't read it. i just read about leaving part. then it's different. though Banzon said he's sick, left his band, then now he's playing with 3582385 session bands ._.

  2. Not a fan, but... there's also an Italian date in a festival:

    2011/07/05 - Milan @ MIODI 2011 with Eyehategod, Russian Circles, Kylesa, Church of Misery, CIVIL CIVIC, The Secret, Valerian Swing, Saade, Midryasi, Hungry Like Rakovitz, Derma, Devoggol, Dogs for Breakfast and nashwuah

  3. In all honesty... that was VERY (and I hate to use this word but...) GENERIC.

    I don't mind if they keep playing the same style of music over and over but at least change the songs. This one recycles a lot of melodies, especially the vocals, from earlier songs.

  4. Also

    Merry and Anti Feminism.

    Why? Because both are amazing bands. Where? In a small venue that takes 250 people, 300 at most. No ballads allowed on this evening, though!

    I'd go!

    It would be really cool...

  5. ... a short and unprofessional review.

    I really like this mini. Finally a solid release after their last one, which was, for me, their album &. I didn't like their after-album singles :x So I am really glad with this new mini, and I think I will buy it. A solid and typically And-ish release! My favourite tracks are _____naught and dope.

    Overall rate: 8/10

  6. They played more songs than that. I at least remember 闇??国??アリス, Vampire Missa, Night-ship "D" and Fanfare. Guys, bring your flags. You will need them.

    Thank you! I hope I don't forget my flag... :D

  7. I'll travel tomorrow to Hamburg. i didn't find a setlist yet.

    I just found this on last.fm, a french guy replied me writing this:

    D @ Paris was TOTALLY AWESOME ♥ They started with 闇より暗??慟哭??アカペラ??薔薇より赤??情熱??アリア and Der König der Dunkelheit *A* After, in disorder, I'm sure that they played 7th Rose, DAY WALKER, Black Swan, Desert Warrior, 太????牙, 無垢??る薔薇??祈り, In the Name of Justice, 鬨??声 (in longer ver. ! Headbang *-*) and 太陽を葬る日 (Sorry I think that I forgot two songs) ;D Seriously, don't miss them if they go in your country \o/

  8. I think it's stupid how some folks gain an extremely negative attitude towards a band when they play at some convention. I don't even like anime so much myself, but it's just silly to think it's "cool" when you talk bad about a band only because they do a show at some anime related event. Sure you may dislike an artist but that's got nothing to do with where they perform. Who the hell cares where they play? SEIKIMA-II performed at the Japan Expo last year and they kick ass.

    people who go to anime conventions are gross tho

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