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Everything posted by gyakutai

  1. gyakutai

    Shaula by Delicious
  2. gyakutai

    ?????? by V-last.
  3. gyakutai

    I would be really disappointed and wouldn't know what to do What would you do if you lost your keys?
  4. gyakutai

    noticed I am becoming mad of them XD
  5. gyakutai

    Chikushoudou (incest)
  6. gyakutai

    great news! A GLEAM IN EYE was awesome, so I am not worried about them going major.
  7. gyakutai

    REBORN by UnsraW
  8. gyakutai

  9. gyakutai

    Reiki (excitation)
  10. gyakutai

    makes me feel god, lol XD
  11. gyakutai

    ww, how many revivals. Wish some of good visual kei bands who disbanded will fully return :/
  12. gyakutai

    ?? by KYOKUTOU GIRL FRIEND (ok... XD)
  13. gyakutai

    thank you so much for details!
  14. gyakutai

    I don't think it's for that. I think Yuuki's voice tries to reach too much high notes. Lycaon concept was “hunting instinctâ€
  15. gyakutai

  16. gyakutai

    ahah yes XD I don't like it that much. I really hope that full song will be better.
  17. gyakutai

    I would steal money, than visit world and have lot of fun! Wouldn't save people, only the ones I love XD What would you do if your favourite band started to do horrible songs?
  18. gyakutai

    has 120 post!
  19. gyakutai

    I like jazzy visual kei but... I think it doesn't suit Lycaon's style. Especially Yuuki's voice. LOL, kinda. New tour is entitled Scandalous love juice, ahah.
  20. gyakutai

    Nagashi (sink)
  21. Lycaon will release a new single entitled ?EROS? on 2010.10.06. Plus, they find a new bassist. No other details revealed. Here you are ?EROS? and Source: Shimizuya Records YouTube channel Well... What is happen? :/
  22. gyakutai

    has no fancy D: lol XD
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