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Everything posted by PsychoTechno

  1. PsychoTechno

    Hello! I am a new member but I've been listening to most of their stuff so here's my review. First song: Kimi no Mitai Mono This is a good track. I find it more amusing than Cold Blood's first track. The first thing that took my interest is Mao's vocal work in this track. It's superb. I am not really sure about how high he can reach but this is awesome. Although the song is kinda short, it's worth listening. 7/10 Second song: Mukuro The first few parts of the intro reminds me of TRUE by Exist+Trace. The song is good too. It's not that heavy and not too popish. Some people say Sadie is just like Dir en Grey and stuff and I am aware of the fact that the latter is Sadie's influence. But as I enjoy their music, I can say that they have developed their own style and this song is one. The chorus is good. 6/10 Third song: Ai no Wana It's not that impressive but it's better than inserting another single just to fill the album up. It reminds me of their first songs like Awaki Gunjou. 6/10 Fourth song: METEOR This is a good song. It's slightly fast-paced and the chorus leaves some hint that the song really is made by Sadie. The guitar work after the first chorus is cool. It's like there's a couple of androids talking with beeps and bleeps. 8/10 Fifth song: Flavor of blood This song is simple. It has some kind of weakened blast-beats and alternating pace. The chorus is good as well. But the pauses in the song makes it sound weird plus Mao's whispering. It has some drones which just like in Red Line which sounds good. 6/10 Sixth song: tear drop Probably one of the best songs in the album. It's like GazettE's PLEDGE but with less complex guitar works. The goosebumps it gave me can be compared when listening to Sayonara no hate or Kowarete Iku Sekai (Girugamesh). I like how they utilize Mao's voice in creating this kind of song. 8/10 Seventh song: Rosario Ah. Pure darkness in their style with weird clothing. It's murky and can be played during rituals for summoning plagues and the most horrific of the demons. The chorus wraps it good. It's better than their previous singles and doesn't sound too popish too. Although some parts are tiresome but it can be managed. 8/10 Eighth song: Playgirl Ha! I thought my player suddenly turned on its shuffle. I like the song. It's not so Sadie and just like METEOR, it's upbeat. Sometimes, you need some light after listening to all chaos. 7/10 Ninth song: Rain fall Others might say it has the same style as Red Line because Mao sings both of their titles after the intro/chorus part. Though in Red Line, it has the standard of just repeating the chorus but Rain fall has some lines to continue the chorus. I like the guitar work but it can't beat Red Line's solo. Tenth song: Kanashimi no Sanka Hoa-hoa-hoa-hoa~ Another slow song. I like the ending part of this song. Although I haven't read the lyrics yet, I think this song has some good meaning. 6/10 Overall: The album is better than expected. I prefer their random chug-chugs in their songs but this album has its good points. Other albums too, has their respective good points and some songs really differ from the other. It's good to have some time to listen to them and compare. And since I am new here, I want to share my top picks (without tracks from the latest album): 1. Meisai (Single version > Undead 13+2 version) 2. Red Line 3. Sayonara no Hate (I was hoping for them to recreate this song) 4. A Holy Terrors 5. Ice Romancer 6. Swallow Rain 7. Kasumi ni Kieru Hana 8. Dress 9. Beauty Shadow 10. Dearest Ha! Sadie is one of the best bands I know. I prefer them over the GazettE. Thanks for reading!
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