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Posts posted by AliceAuua14

  1. Thanks for checkin us out Panda!

    I definitely wanted more out of the production for Zero.0.Zero. Unfortunately I just lacked the skill. Heart of viole[n]ts def could have had more punch in my opinion, but as I lack that very specific ear for production, I don't know what could have been done better.

    We are definitely looking for our next release to have a much more professional presentation - and are very excited about the new songs. So were just trying to spread the word, by doing great shows to build a fanbase, get our music out there, and save money for better shows and recordings.

    Lol thanks about the muscles!

  2. 27.11.2012 gigs-issue


    I like that kyo kinda looks like a cross between Ryuichi , and Atsushi Sakurai here.

    That photoshoot makes me think "macabre". I hope this album sees a goth/prog inspired direction.

  3. Skinny Top - Heavy bottom is great. Same here. Good for the chugging pedaling on the low notes, but really good bending for solos and such on the high strings.

    I use Cleartone 10-52's. I used elixer in the past, but enjoy these a bit more now. They're also treated strings, just different;y treated than the elixer coating.


  4. Hey guys! Brief update. I haven't been able to come online too much, though I have been in the shoutbox a bit!

    This is the first vid I was able to upload from our headlining gig at Webster Hall!


    My string popped mid play, and there was a strange sound effect issue during my second solo. Despite these sillinesses, we had a blast! and so did the audience. A mosh pit opened up, and I don't know if you could see it on Shola and I's face but we were kinda like O_O.... whaaaaaat?

    During this show we introduced our newest member, our rhythm guitarist Sai. He joined us for the last song, and I'm trying to see If I can get some footage of that, with decent audio. Unfortunately I forgot to get the live recording from the sound guy, so everything is handcam audio madness.


    This month is that warm fuzzy giving sharing and caring time of the season! So our first ep is available for download on bandcamp, for whatever price you like! EVEN FREEEEE!

    Check it out, share with friends, learn the lyrics yada yada!


  5. Thanks for having a listen. I'm especially glad that you liked some of the older stuff.

    I feel you on some of the production choices for some songs. Part of the necessity in working with a studio producer was lack of time and skill on my part to record at home. Also we didn't know anyone who was competent but also not too busy to record.

    Overall I'm pretty happy with their quality and willingness to try new things.

    Def gonna post an update soon!

    Until then here's my distortion drenched cover of Luna Sea's, Desire. I actually didn't realize i had my gain up so high, so i apologize for all that fizz.


  6. Shinya having breakfast at tiffany's?



    This was a very good time period


  7. The three looks say rock, but they are also tempered. I feel like that expression matches my personality. All of the looks are expressive without being too flashy, and there is a bit of a feminine esthetic, without losing the masculine presence.

    Though each of these guys have had more flamboyant appearances, the general feel coalescent with a feeling of harmony. This is what I connect with in their general fashion.






    Btw Great cosplays lily!

    Very talented!

  8. I'd say the 3 Jrockers that have had the largest influence on my wardrobe are: Toshiya (dir en grey), Hakuei (penicillin) and Sugizo (luna sea).







  9. Bio: Heart of Viole[n]ts maxi single


    Click picture to hear the singles.


    At the start of 2012 we started hunting for producer to work with, and in may, we found Anthony Santo from Westfall studios. We'd heard his work with local bands and pop artists, and really liked the tone he and his team were able to get from the instruments. Near the end of the month we headed up to Westfall for a consultation. There was an immediate rapport.




    In June we hit the studio for a week straight and laid down all of our parts. We ate and slept there. We hung out with the staff and other bands. We practiced like we never did before. After that week, we grew tighter and more determined as a band. With the recording behind us, we set out to embark on our first east coast mini tour, "The spark to set the world on fire".

  10. 387113_392057700848263_1745673061_n.jpg


    Hey Monochrome Heaven!

    I made this thread to share with you music, video and events from my band SOL ARDOUR.

    Rather than post a bunch of stuff at once, I figure I'll drop a few things off here and there! Hope you guys enjoy.

    Bio: origin

    We met in 2010, complete strangers. We all had fairly different musical backgrounds. Sion had been playing drums since he was a small boy with his musician father, in church groups and filling in for bands. Shola started singing in elementary school through musical theatre. I had played bass and guitar since middle school in several bands.

    What brought us together was how well we got along. We were all passionate about music in general. I was really into jrock growing up, and Shola was still very into it. Sion was more into british rock and classic rock. We didn't have many favorite musicians in common. However, we really enjoyed each others musical identity, and felt that we could make something new, that would connect with people, and that we'd be proud of.

    We revamped a few songs from my solo project, and wrote a few new songs together. This enabled us to get out and start playing shows. After about a year of performing, we buckled down and recorded our first EP, "Zero.0.Zero". It was recorded and produced in my bedroom entirely by us. It was released on iTunes, Amazon and other places Oct 8, 2011.


    Post Zero.0.Zero


    After the release of our first ep, we started doing shows more often. And we were also free to being working on completely new material as a band. We had grown musically over that year, and our sound had matured. We immediately began working on our first full length work, "Et Nexus to Utopia".

    I'll leave it at this for now, and I'll post more a bit later! Thanks for anyone who has interest.

  11. Whoa, such a thorough intro post!

    And just curious since you mentioned video games, what fighting games are you into?

    Anyway, welcome!

    Hey Fitear1590. My favorite 2 fighting games are Guilty Gear (I only own a copy of accent core) and Dead or Alive.

    However I also really enjoy Capcom Vs Snk 2 and BlazBlue and Virtua Fighter.

    I'm partial towards street fighter 3 & 4.

    I don't hate mvc3.

    Thanks everyone for the warm reception. Glad to know there are still so many fans of some of these bands!

    I'm going to music of my band in the musicians area if anyone is interested!

    Hello Cat5!

    I see the resemblance! You and your ex gf are very pretty, and her dreads are cool, so I'll take it as a complement haha. Thank you for adding me on last fm. I Just recently got into spotify as well!

  12. Hi everyone.


    I'm Artemis.

    I'm the lead guitarist and composer in a band called SOL ARDOUR.

    I got into music at a pretty young age because my parents always enjoyed listening and singing along to songs at home. Music that connected with me most growing up were trance dj's, video game music, and eventually anime music. This lead me to jpop and jrock. Jrock led me to American rock. From that point on I've just revisited musical genres that I hadn't given much attention. Metal, avant garde, classical, folk, country, jazz , funk, prog and so on.

    My favorite sports are gymnastics, handball and martial arts.

    My work includes being an after school counselor for children K-5th grade, practicing guitar 3-5 hours, writing music and promoting my band.

    When I am not working, I'm listening to music on random, playing video games (rpgs, fps, sidescrollers, shooters, fighters) reading manga, (naruto atm) watching shows, (game of thrones, Avatar:korra, adventure time, big bang theory, Young justice) working out, and hanging out with my gf and or other pals.

    My favorite Jrock bands/artists are:

    Luna Sea

    Dir en grey

    Plastic tree

    Tokyo Jihen/shiina ringo

    Honorable mentions : Dead End, D'espairs ray, Gackt

    if theres anything else you'd like to know, feel free to ask.

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