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Status Updates posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. happy b-day panda and licht!

  2. Beyond tired from today and I'll be back at it tomorrow.

  3. Played a FF XIV D&D game last night. I was a blast!

  4. And we're back to FFXIV again... damn I missed this.

  5. got caught up only to get behind with a 40+ hour work schedule... happy holidays?

  6. How do I even survive this week? Thankfully it's the last day....

  7. Why do I like this image so much?


  8. every time i listen to Don't be Afraid it's RIGHT IN THE GOTDAMN FEELS

  9. I have a very simple quest this year on MH. Get that real daddy Senior ORz title. tumblr_mc5w2lTdFC1r9nrs0.gif

  10. Mmm, looking forward to my days off. It's supposed to rain and I get time to enjoy a new content patch on FF XIV :D

  11. TFW the games are just right 2G5OTcc.jpg

  12. I'm finding myself becoming very angry and spiteful of late. Feelings of past rejections came back and other old wounds came open that I thought were long gone. Awesome.

  13. Grabbed myself RE:7 for an awesome deal TIME TO GET SPOOOPY

  14. RE:7 is keeping me way busier  than I thought it would...



  16. Watch me as I actually transform into a mass of anxiety and insanity!


  17. is someone having a stroke?

  18. Gotta keep my cool because I move tomorrow!

  19. @CAT5WELCOME TO THE CIRCLE OF ELDERS! You are now the same boat as I. As old as Zelda and Final Fantasy. Happy Birthday you glorious bastard!

  20. Oh fuck yes! VAMPS is coming to my town!

  21. Gotta say Momento from A9 is pretty damn good

  22. Going to VAMPS on may 25th SUPER HYPED

  23. Don't forget ORZ always appreciates guest submissions contact @doombox if you would like to submit!

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