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Status Updates posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. My exact physical and mental state


  2. Sometimes a smoothie makes all your problems fade away.

  3. feels pretty good when your feelings get validated by a family member who usually doesn't understand your side of things...


  5. Don't forget we always love guest submissions for the montly tracks!

  6. Starku = guilty pleasure jam time

  7. Time to watch some great shooters and all around great gaming streams! https://www.twitch.tv/maximilian_dood

  8. Feels amazing to be a little part of a $9100 fund to help a family who has lost their mother. good job doods.

  9. rip in pepperonis dub hopefully will be back to it on my birthday

  10. Tonight at around 8pm or so AZ time will be do the thing~

  11. Let's see if I can get in some music time during my days off...

  12. Just pace myself. I don't have to finish things right this moment...

  13. 9am to 1am yesterday, 9am to 5pm today, and 5am to 2pm tomorrow... what is my life...

  14. Sometimes I look at what I have written and wonder what fucking zombie ass mindset was in...


  16. Holy fuck it's over. Sadly it won't stop people from being over dramatic children but at least the toxic tension will disperse.

  17. Reading the updates section could save lives! 


  18. just barely scratching the surface of my 60+ hour work week

  19. i'm so damn tired...

  20. Really want to do a different kind of project before the end of the year... something with a voice recording...

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