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Status Updates posted by peffy

  1. 人生ゲーム is the first Avanchick song that I don't like at all. T_T;;;

    1. Alkaloid


      Same. The chorus is way too repetitive and it sounds like 自縛 and 他人の不幸は蜜の味 mixed together. I do love the Ode to Joy parts, though.

      Haven't heard the b-sides yet so hopefully they're better..

    2. peffy


      The Ode to Joy part is actually what I can't stand, lol.

      It doesn't really fit the rest of the song, the voices sound kind of terrible, and I don't like the growling on top of it.. and it's used way too many times during the song.

      And it's such a well-known tune that I find it super cheesy.

    3. Alkaloid


      It was a good idea, just badly executed, imo.

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