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Everything posted by Kyrie33

  1. Kyrie33

    Maybe later it will turn out that Yasuharu Ikeda is actually Mana's real name
  2. Kyrie33

    I feel like Jupiter is the power metal side and Kamijo is the symphonic side of Versailles
  3. They sound similar to Versailles just as expected. It's still a decent song nevertheless. Zin's vocal is a bit more vk-ish I suppose
  4. Kyrie33

    Does anyone know any band that is similar to Jikkendai Marmot?
  5. Kyrie33

    Better than their recent singles but it don't think it's as good as sabbat or karma
  6. Innovational Symphonia full PV: I kind of like this song but not as much as Gloria
  7. Kyrie33

  8. Kyrie33

    That preview sounds exactly like ring the death knell!
  9. Kyrie33

    Sounds nice! I think i will like this more than Sadisgate!
  10. Kyrie33

    The song is nice but i feel like it's not the kind of song that they usually make a pv for. The pv itself seems indie but i like it though
  11. Kyrie33

    From the preview the only songs i like are Truth and Brave. The other songs just sound kind of bland and lack that versailles feel. Holy Grail-amoroso sounds like a mashup of all their "emotional" guitar part up to now and created beauty kinda remind me of Remember Forever, which is boring as hell
  12. Kyrie33

    Preview came out on itunes! http://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/versailles/id561039404
  13. Kyrie33

    Wow they are good at live (besides Tsuzuku who are clearly struggling)
  14. Kyrie33

    I suppose it's because both scenes are full of crazy fangirls who can practically like any kind of music as long as the musician is "hawt" XD
  15. Kyrie33

    Undivide album sample (2 parts)
  16. Kyrie33

    Only 5 new songs and no new PV? Seems like they are really in a rush to disband
  17. Kyrie33

    This makes me think that they are definitely not coming back =(
  18. Kyrie33

    Versailles new look http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos- ... 7034_n.jpg Somehow it reminds me of dynasty warriors XD
  19. Kyrie33

    Well I guest even if it's a hiatus, they will not come back anytime soon. Hope that Versailles will end everything on a high note with their self titled albums. I'm also pretty eager to see the members' new project!
  20. Kyrie33

    I hope that they only decided to switch back to indie
  21. Kyrie33

    Soo it is a hiatus rather than disbandment? Or Kamijo's blog was hacked?
  22. Kyrie33

    Trailer for ROSE.
  23. Kyrie33

    Makes me question my sexual preference actually XD
  24. Kyrie33

    Well there's nothing wrong with it, it's just his pants are too low i can even see his groin =)
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