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Posts posted by Thedane

  1. Well i don't really think about a vocalist "skills" if he can stir up some good vibes, and express the truest emotions by merely singing, i deem him/her a good vocalist.

    here goes the list of vocalist i either don't like, or feel they've lost their ability to do their thing well.

    Yuuki since eros, so awful to listen to...

    Ice (EROS) i don't approve of what he is doing in black gene, doesn't suit him in any way, i want XodiacK back.

    Byou, since ancient rain he lost his ability to sing well.

    Satoshi? Whatever his name is, Girugämesh is pretty much dead to me since music.

    Rayka, wtf is he doing in realies... it's horrible.

    Kyo, i've yet to hear anything good from that man.

    Mao since... dress? probably a release further back the line, he seriously needs to pull himself together, big time.

    Yohio, his voice... just no, it's an insult to anything that's vkei.

    Vocalist from larc en ciel, terribly dull and boring vocals, same goes for luna sea miyavi and x japan.

    Vocalist from lolita23q, since they got that new one, everything just went down the drain.

    Vocalist from HERe:NE, she is so annoying, goes right on my nerves. (it's a girl right? please tell me it is)

    Let's finish the list with SuG and Lmc, dull and boring vocals.

    Phew, was good to let out some steam <3

  2. Oh boy here goes...

    I'm writing this as i'm listening to the album.

    First song: Opens well, brings hope of enjoyable songs to come. Though, i find it slightly too slow for an opener in my opinion.

    Second song: Begins well, this might not go too horribly wrong. Yet has a big flaw, were still early on in the album and it's far too slowly phased.

    Third song: Now we're talking... wait forget that, what the hell is this? A jazzy dance thing? Oh dear lord we're in for a bumpy ride.

    Fourth song: meteor.. this song just doesn't seem to grow on me, at all. Sorry but it just wont.

    Fifth song: Hmm sounds promising, even beyond the first 30 seconds. Proper guitar work, finally! Went better than expected!

    Sixth song: A ballad? Now? Really? You haven't pulled up the right mood, i'm not hyped/pumped or anything, and you feel like easing the tension now? Good riddance.

    Seventh: Oh sweet jesus, by far the best i've heard from them in years. Rosario is amazing, saves the mood for this album, it might not be so bad from now on.

    Eight song: Eh well, this could go either way... and it just went for the worse. Somewhat catchy, but still, far too weak. Oh hang on a minute, it catches up a bit later on, not all miserable after all. Actually like the guitar work a lot in this song.

    Ninth song: Another ballad... for real? *sigh* two fairly successful songs doesn't grant you the permission to throw another ballad at me. Good thing for you, Sadie, it isn't too bad. With that said, still disappointed. better round this 10-course feast off well, le grand finale is almost here!

    Tenth song: That's it, this better raise the level a LOT. Halfway through, still nothing. No way on earth this could have been a weaker ending.

    Overall: This was, if not worse, just as bad as cold blood. Far too many weak tracks, i know they can do so so so so so well, why are they doing this... the album had its moments, but they were far too few from what i'm used to when it comes to Sadie. I'll go listen to Master of romance, or even 13+2, back when they knew how to make an album work.

    Overall score: 3/10

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