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Posts posted by Thedane

  1. The entitlement issues Western fans have. I think what frustrates me the most is the jerk offs that will whine about how they NEED the latest Kiryu release. You don't NEED it to live, you don't NEED it to eat or breath. If you need it that badly then do something about it, mow lawns, sort recycle from the trash, clean your neighbor's gutters or something. Screaming and crying how it's not fair someone else bought the CD and you can't listen to it is the most obnoxious crap. I'd go Wataru on a bitch the next time someone cries at me because I won't share with them something I bought.


    Oh this, so much.

    I don't get how it can be so difficult to save up for a single CD, it's just a matter of priorities.

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