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Posts posted by Thedane

  1. My purchase is the same! I'm also pretty disappointed in them breaking up they were so good and I've only seen them when I didn't really know about them..

    I also got Souiumono's newest single SERAPHIM

    and cocklobin's last live DVD. I've been dragging my feet with it so I hadnt ordered yet (I was there though so I felt I should own it...)

    Hopefully you were able to pick it up!

    CATHARSIS is great. I'm glad I thought to buy myself a copy while I was grabbing my friend's at the last live.

    And some of my favorite RUVISH songs are from their 6 month consecutive live house only releases. They were a pain in the ass to get but worth it imo

    Hysteric Panic's 4U though I have like one or two songs I listen to and the rest just didn't appeal to me on that CD for some reason.

    I got everything, customs we're not too mean this time around, didn't have to sell my soul or anything.

    I haven't gotten around to listening to either of my ヒステリックパニック releases, I really do hope 般若 gets a proper release, that song is so good.


  2. Too lazy to add a picture.


    Decay - Days of fascination

    Lycaon - Royal Order regular version

    REIGN - My rebel/ASH

    Ultimate Sonic - Unlimited note


    And what I hope to pick up at the post office tomorrow, damn customs.


    CodeRebirth - CATHARSIS 

    C.P.U - MIXed. - virtual 1, 2 and 3, 事象デトネーション

    グリーヴァ - 黒イ百合ノ花ト×××, 精神年齢18歳未満ノ方ハオ断リシマス-Ⅱ-

    ヒステリックパニック (Hysteric Panic) - 4U, センチメンタル・サーカス

    RUVISH - BREAKDOWN, R.I.P High R.I.P and Friend Shit

    The Black Swan - I SOLATION

    Transient - 1st free EP

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