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Posts posted by Furik

  1. I've been following this band since their MaveRick days and I can say that this single marks a HUGE change for them.

    There's like THREE different versions of this band:



    -New single EAT YOU ALIVE

    They need to figure out who the fuck they are.

    MaveRick was gold. EAT YOU ALIVE was brutal. And now this single is just.. weird.

    There's not a taste of "nu metal" on this single at all so, honestly, that's good because the genre is dated.

    Don't get me wrong, I love what the band has put out so far but this new single marks a new age for them especially since they have a fifth band member but I think this single will put people off from what they've released so far.

    It's just a different style for them. It's not MaveRick, it's not EAT YOU ALIVE.

    THE REASON 10/10 - It has a great melody, gorgeous guitar work. Single worthy.

    The Conception 7/10 - A B-side, enough said. Nice chorus.

    I've come to realize they put out better B-Sides over A-Sides (REM, Nine2W, FLARE (<3), 花水木) but not this time around. It's bland.

    There's nothing bad about this release. It's solid and not as boring as what other bands could put out. The only vice I have is just the sudden drastic turn in their style after getting so used to their "nu metal" style after 6 singles. It's a nice change and I think they noticed it was time to change. And I think the addition of the fifth member helped with the decision.

    (Sorry, i'm sleep deprived and not looking forward to the holidays so i'm like just pouring shit out of my mind right now and thus this weird review came out.)

  2. [track list]

    12012 – Winter, again (GLAY)

    摩天楼オペラ(matenrou opera) – 紅(kurenai) (X JAPAN)

    D – 月下??夜想曲(gekka no yasoukyoku) (MALICE MIZER)

    DuelJewel – JUPITER (BUCK-TICK)

    heidi. – ピンク スパイダー(pink spider) (hide with Spread Beaver)

    MERRY – Schwein??椅??(Schwein no isu) (DIR EN GREY)

    NoGoD – 1/3??純情??感情(1/3 no junjou na kanjou) (SIAM SHADE)

    I am only interested in these songs.

  3. He's been improving on them lately to the point where they're not pig squeals, so I can only imagine he's looking to implement them more.

    Please. The pig squeals were the worst.

  4. I'm having a rough day with all of my backed-up paperwork from yesterday. I didn't come in because I missed my bus so i'd LOVE to listen to something new while at work. Especially DEATHGAZE.

  5. indefinitely on hiatus>disband, SOAD(i dont like them) came back 4 years after their indefinite hiatus, so hopefully panic can do the same, like when Tara and Tsubasa left and they went hiatus too, but came back two months later :D so im going to stay optimistic about this and hope for the best or atleast make them bring back key.

    But they can pull off a MALICE MIZER indefinite hiatus ;) 10 years and still nothing...

    They aren't popular enough to cash in on a hiatus like Malice Mizer.

  6. Absolutely terrible news. One of my first indie vk bands, I honestly didn't think they would be breaking up anytime soon. I remember the first time I heard 829, soooo long ago(late 05 early 06), good memories. In that sense I guess I'll always have good feelings about this band, and while it's sad to see them go, at least they were always a quality band. Hopefully this isn't the end for them, hopefully they move onto other bands and keep bringing good music to vk.

    You will be missed Panic Channel(s).

    Took the words right out of my mouth.

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