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Posts posted by Furik

  1. I'm sure of it.

    I'm not saying I know for sure but it's been a long time since they announced that vocalist audition. I bet they found one over the summer and have been recording tracks.

    The reason the site is down is probably due to a renewal and revamp.

  2. Seems like someone forgot to renew their domain!

    While this may seem scary, nothing to worry about.

    Probably expecting something big to happen.

    deathgaze is still listed as an active band on their label site.

  3. "Goku" was what got me into girugamesh and that was a totally heavy song but there's some good melodic tracks on that mini-album.

    But I have to agree, "Reason of crying" is an awesome way to start off listening to them. You get a taste of both sides - heavy like "Crash" (can't thin k.. that's what it's called right?) and the beautiful song "Real my place".

  4. Ah, I beg to differ.

    lynch. are awesome, especially with songs like "a grateful shit" and "I'm sick..." but i'm not too fond of Hazuki's voice, well, singing wise.

    But deathgaze, I guess they can play harsher songs. Like "Chaos", "Genocide and Mass Murder", damn that's crazy. Especially without Sou, the band are incredible.

  5. Yeah, you can defintely tell the "deadman influence" in the studs, especially "Thursday". But, that's the song that got me into them.

    I'm just curious to hear more - especially since they've been playing a hell-load of new songs live.

  6. It's hard to think what the future will be like for this band.

    That said, it's true - their music is quite obscure.

    I have to say I was always fond of Daisuke during kagerou's earlier days (before they went all soft on us - probably the reason they disbanded, hmpf).

    So, the studs have shown a harsher side - probably even more so than kagerou but the real reason I enjoy this band is because of aie and Yukino. Even the smallest of what's left of deadman will always be there for me. :)

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