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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by foshokku

  1. foshokku

    Rentrer en Soi - Misery Loves Poisonous Blue ~ THE sex.
  2. foshokku

    Rentrer en Soi - Thorny Rain Break ~
  3. foshokku

    It's just me or am I the only one who cares about Waver in Darkness? XD As for the album... I don't like it at all. :/ I don't like Sadie that much, but this album simply frustrated my expectations. With A Holy Terrors I expected a lot from them, since that was the first release I really liked, with Rock'n'Roll Stinky People being my favorite. But The Bullet Storm fails to amuse me at any point.
  4. foshokku

    Rentrer en Soi - Shinwa ~
  5. foshokku

    Rentrer en Soi - Ushinawareta Fuukei no Yume ~
  6. foshokku

    RENTRER EN SOI - Growl ~
  7. foshokku

    RENTRER EN SOI - To Infinity ~
  8. foshokku

  9. foshokku

    xTRiPx - cherry ~
  10. foshokku

    xTRiPx - rhymeLoud ~
  11. foshokku

    Vogus Image - Ame ~
  12. foshokku

    I lost just one. :/ Well, I agree at some point, but not at all of it. Saying that VK is dead is at the same time right and wrong. Surely it isn't like old times, 'cause it evolved into something new which happens to be nowadays VK scene. Personally, I don't label bands as "Visual Kei", 'cause it seems too vague. For me, only Angura, Nagoya and Kotekote (I think it's this the word) have some meaning, and I just use these terms to put them into a group of similar artists for people to know them easier. I prefer refering to them as Rock, (sub-genre) Metal and *something eletronic*. No "Goth" stuff too.
  13. foshokku

    Vogus Image - Prisoner ~
  14. foshokku

    Vogus Image - Ame ~
  15. foshokku

    It's Prisoner. XD Just checked on VN. Vogus Image - Mizu Iro ~
  16. foshokku

    Vogus Image - Prisioner ~ Jesus, the file was tagged as Prisoner. ><
  17. foshokku

    Well, they don't have enough songs. XD There's a band which name I forgot that played Metallica covers at their first lives. Vogus Image - Ame ~
  18. foshokku

    Yeah, you know you can't. <3 Vogus Image - Ame ~ Well..actually, D&L and RENNY AMMY ARE different bands. It's not like a change of name, like a lot of them, but a completely different band with the same members. XD Like Isabelle and Mix Speakers,Inc. or ZERO-ONE and G.O.Z VII
  19. foshokku

    Biatch. I'll beat the hell out of you soon. Vogus Image - Mizu Iro ~ He's listening to it just 'cause he wants to be as cool as me.
  20. foshokku

    HEY, DLing just after I DLed. Unfair. Vogus Image - Ame ~
  21. foshokku

    Vogus Image - Mizu Iro ~
  22. foshokku

    D&L - THE GOD STAR ~
  23. foshokku

    exist?trace - Halt ~
  24. foshokku

    D&L - THE GOD STAR ~
  25. foshokku

    Me wants VelBet. ;_; D&L - THE GOD STAR ~
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