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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by foshokku

  1. I love The Pledge too. XD

    Actually, as you can see through my Last.FM stats, TP and Namamekashiki stayed at my playlist for like 3 or 4 months.

    Hey people, does any of you liked ROTING ROOT, REPETITION OF HATRED and THE DEEPER VILENESS? :]

  2. Jake, have you tried Fukai, from Kasumi's single?

    It's an AWESOME song that not many people know.

    Ryojoku no Ame (single version) and 24th Cylinder drank on the veins of Kasumi and most people don't give them the credit they deserve.

    There's also their epic ballads, like Undecided, -mushi-, Embryo and Ain't Afraid to Die. More songs that people just pass by. :/

    And of course, the never-mentioned-still-the-best-vkei-song from them, 304 Hakushi no Sakura.

  3. if they went back to gauze type stuff i would cry o.O gauze was my least favorite full length ....although i still love it so don't get the wrong idea xD the only thing diru i really don't like is Missa (except garden which is great) ... if they went back to withering kinda stuff i think that would be great... if they did another kisou though i would have like the ultimate eargasm xD but of course they'll do smth different which is always interesting ...i love them for that!

    (and i'm still pulling for an acoustic ASoM xD lol jkjk ..but i remember when they announced marrow of the bone would come with classical tracks ...everyone was pulling for a classical ASoM xD oh the hilariosity)


    For me, the spiritual orgasm would be more Withering to death.

    I'm fine with TMoaB, but I think I prefer lots of THE FINAL and Kasumi over AGGITATED SCREAMS OF MAGGOTS. :S

  4. I think it'll sound a bit like Deftones. :S

    I mean... their newest pics reminded me a lot of them, and DOZING GREEN is something that totally remind me of Deftones.

    It would be cool to try a more shoegaze style tho. XD

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