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Posts posted by sixblacknine

  1. I recently finished re-decorating my room, so now I'm putting stuff back on walls I want to buy more flyers/posters.

    ★ Would prefer UK/Europe sellers but if you have something I really want, I don't care where you live.

    ★ I'd prefer to buy a lot at once rather than buying 1-3 at a time, if you have a lot of what I want, please give me a good deal~

    ★ I am not interested in fan made stuff, so please don't offer, sorry!

    ★ I'm only looking for flyers/posters in good condition, a fold or two is fine, rips and marks are not.

    ones in bold are what I'm looking for most.

    Dir en grey (also really looking for posters, no Kerrang pullouts please)

    Golden bomber





    Nightmare (especially anything with Ruka/Ni~ya/Hitsugi)


    DEATHGAZE (Not interested in any flyers before Takaki joined)



    DecoLa Hopping


    Kitiku ikka/鬼畜一家







    Danger gang (with Thera and Rei)


    Kyokutou girl friend


    I rarely check M-H lately, so if you have something to offer please contact me on

    livejournal: http://glorycreatures.livejournal.com

    twitter: https://twitter.com/294036224052

    tumblr: http://ni-ya.tumblr.com

  2. http://www.brand-x.jp/product/7342

    regular edition went up for pre-order today. The price seems to be the same as the limited edition unless it's a mistake, so even though it's not sold everywhere and only available to pre-order until the 20th it seems like its worth just getting the limited edition anyway

    (though you'll probably need a shopping service since even though the webstore told me I could email them in English, they stopped responding when I did so I had to get a shopping service to order it for me)

    Although if you do get regular edition it and live in Japan, you can go to the instore events, that seems to be the only advantage anyway.

  3. I've listened to vk about 6 years now, and while I'm definitely listening to different bands now and I've broadened my taste, I still enjoy it a lot. It's different for everyone I suppose.

    This is true for me too.

    Maybe in a few years I'll be listening to different bands, but I think it will still be jrock/vk.

  4. WOOHOO!! Can't wait! I hope the rest of the details are announced soon.

    The limited edition version is available http://kandamusic.shop-pro.jp/?pid=50189861

    from what I can tell, it comes with a second documentary disk, and it gets shipped out nearly a week before the standard edition goes on sale. There might be special packaging too? idk hopefully a better translation will be available soon

    They do take overseas orders but I think it's better to email them about it, I started by asking about overseas shipping but then the girl answering my emails told me I could write to her in English

    I do know that shipping overseas is an additional 2500 yen so I assume they ship by EMS.

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