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Posts posted by nuke

  1. haha contrary to most opinions here, i loooooved Dr. Feel Good; i thought it was a really good debut and allowed them to make a strong impression. Pop Pop Pop as a song is good too, but the choreo is a big lacking. i mean, they have a stick, think of all the amazing choreo they could have done with that. but they didn't do any of it. (・︵・)

  2. like the title suggests, does anybody have any western band recommendations? (・ω・) i'm trying to branch out my music genre rather than just listening to visual kei all the time haha. i guess anything that falls under the alternative rock category, but i'll try anything as long as it's not super screamo. ( ̄∇ ̄)

    p.s. i hope this is allowed. (゜ロ゜;)

  3. すべてへ was just AMAZING. the first couple of notes are continuously stuck in my head since they played it so much on alice9 channel LOL. shou's voice in the intro is just beautiful, and although the beginning dragged on a little longer than i would liked, THE REST OF THE SONG. THE REST OF THE SONG. what they did with it... absolute love. ♥

    i'm kind of surprised at the negative comments towards GEMINI, i thought that was one of their best albums, but maybe that's just me being biased. (ノ;∇;) i thought all the songs were awesome. ANYWAY SO EXCITED FOR THIS NEW ALBUM. the titles themselves sound beautiful already.

    ... might skip 虹の雪 every time i listen to it though... ( ̄∇ ̄)

  4. just watched the pv for the abyss, and i am having very mixed feelings. (・︵・)

    if i had to say whether i like or dislike SCREW, i'd say i like them. i generally like their music, but there's just something about byou's voice that's a total turn-off for me, save for a few songs (ex. ANCIENT RAIN, Cursed Hurricane). although the music itself in this new song wasn't anything special either. (゜ロ゜;) I WANT TO LIKE IT, I REALLY DO, but. i just can't bring myself to. (;︵;)

  5. on the topic of bands who don't know what their name is, it's ridiculously annoying to tag some artists who keep changing the stylization of their band name, like AILE. (¬__¬) there are three different tags for them on last.fm: AILE, AILE, and Aile. and let's not get started on ν[NEU] lol.

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