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Posts posted by Aya

  1. and....

    I really think people should think..

    its a good promotion for that VK band.

    and also for the other band.


    Actually, I meant to include something like this in my long rant ^^

    At least one good point about the experiment, I'm really curious about BOTH bands now.

    But I still think the experiment itself and people's reactions have been handled poorly.

  2. I have to say, I was a little offended by the way this BIG REVEAL was presented and the way some people are behaving.

    Now, this situation: as someone who enjoys many different styles of music, I don't care if a band is visual or not. I'll check out a band if something catches my attention - visual or not. So I don't like being grouped in as a superficial person who only checked out this band because they were presented as visual kei. And don't say I'm misinterpreting...

    Zess quote: "a band that if posted as is would have been overlooked because their music is 'crappy/not worth listening to/doesn't have that VK charm'"

    Biopanda quote to wsp: "Except if we hadn't pretended that it was a VK band, then you and 99% of the other people who downloaded it would have completely skipped over the thread."

    I first checked out the thread because the band name (ZeluvA) caught my attention. Then I downloaded the demo because of CAT5's recommendation and the fact it was a rare live distribution demo. The "cute VK guys" would have just been icing on the cake - but not a reason alone to check them out.

    And I don't think I'm an exception to the majority. Why was the "ZeluvA demo" so popular? Because it was a new good looking visual kei band? No, not entirely....

    You guys went out of your way to make sure it would be extremely appealing on all levels. There's many reasons people tried it out... NOT just because they were being presented as a visual kei band. The uploader is someone prominent and has community clout, the release was presented as a "promising must check out band," and a lot of people replied to keep the post near the top and ever present.

    As I mentioned, I did download the single. I was impressed, I thought they had a lot of potential. So, I've just looked into UMBERBROWN. I even looked into the real ZeluvA after it was first posted. I thought something was weird considering the instrumental samples on their youtube channel were good, but nowhere near the same level as this "demo." But that's beside the point.

    Anyway, UMBERBROWN... before the BIG REVEAL, I was impressed because I thought they had a lot of potential. I did like what I'd heard, but I wasn't blown away by them. But an interest was fueled by the fact that they were "newcomers with great potential."

    Now, after the BIG REVEAL, there's no longer that potential - they're NOT newcomers. This is music created 8 years into their career. What kind of potential do they have? I'm still curious about them, but this does change my perspective - and it has NOTHING to do with them being visual or not.

    And from what I've seen, a lot of people like them because of this false potential. If you'd wanted a truly successful experiment, then two musically equivalent bands should have been used. Or, at the very least, music from UMBERBROWN's early days.

    You really can't take a well-established band and pass them off as a newcomer. They're at a far different level musically. This creates a false sense of potential in the "obscure band" and their music.

    I'm sorry, but this is a failed experiment. No one should be acting as if everyone who downloaded this is a superficial loof who was taken in by the greatest dupe of all time.

    Ironically, I actually feel this COULD have been great.... if handled differently.

  3. This is a great idea.

    I've been wondering if M-H could do something along these lines after sixblacknine and I ended up purchasing the same version of HERO's new single and it seems like no one else has purchased a different version.

    And now that vistlip has announced a new single with four versions... I'd love to try coordinating with other people who are interested in purchasing it.

    yes, but I still think that people still can decide if they will upload it yes or no.

    Or maybe people just should write in the list if they will upload that album/single and in what bitrate they will share.

    Also, I agree that we should include what bitrate is willing to be shared. Plus, for CD+DVD versions, if the DVD is going to be shared (and in which format).

    As for deciding whether to upload something or not... personally, I feel that if someone says they're purchasing something or they have a certain CD, they should be willing to share it. If they're not willing to share, then they should not mention having or purchasing it. That way everything is kept clean, clear and simple (hopefully).

  4. lol, a 7 tracks mini-album with 4 songs from maxi singles. This band is shit.

    Seriously?! Why do people hate on bands for the silliest reasons?

    Sure, it was a marketing tactic to release those two singles in a very limited quantity (only 1000 copies each) and then re-release them as a mini-album with additional material. However, that's the music industry in Japan.

    It's not any different than when a band releases 2-3 (or more) different versions of the same single. In fact, so far they've only released one version for all their singles/albums. I think that's saying something. This is the first time material has repeated.

    So, give them a break. If you don't like their music - that's fine. But don't hate on them for something every band does in one form or another.

  5. Wow... this thread is really something. And I know it's kind of old, but I wanted to add my take on things.

    In Japan, Visual Kei isn't a lifestyle. That's why people don't dress up and look 'visual' in their everyday lives (I'm talking about both musicians and fans). Visual kei is a means to an end - a style, a fashion, a look that will draw attention to an endeavor (usually music, in this case).

    On the other hand, there are SOME foreign visual kei fans that consider it a lifestyle. Thus, they try to emulate the fashion in their everyday lives. Is this wrong of them? Nope. And I don't think it's a "misinterpretation of visual kei" either. They're putting their own spin on things in their own personal lives, which is okay. It doesn't change what visual kei actually is.

    Visual kei and its popularity. That's a difficult one. Yes, I agree that many foreign fans don't understand the status of visual kei in Japan. They greatly overestimate its reach and popularity. However, I think a lot of people (to a lesser degree) underestimate its reach and popularity too.

    One of the biggest misconceptions I've found (including things a lot of people have said in this thread) is that a lot of bands have larger fanbases online and in foreign communities than they do in Japan. This is simply untrue.

    For every one foreign fan... there's many more Japanese fans. I'm NOT saying that visual kei is super duper popular and loved by everyone because it's NOT, far from it. But it seems like a lot of people think visual kei fans are nearly non-existent in Japan and that's far from the case. Visual kei has a much larger fanbase among Japanese people than foreigner people.

    So, where are all the Japanese fans? Most of them don't stand up, don't speak out. That doesn't make them any less of a fan or someone to be discounted. In fact, that's Japanese (Eastern) nature. On the other hand, we foreign (Western) fans are loud and much more visible. That's our nature. That doesn't mean we outnumber the Japanese fans. We don't.

    So, while it's ridiculous and incorrect to say that visual kei is super popular and all the bands are living the high life (because 95% of them are NOT). It's also just as ridiculous and incorrect to say that foreign fans outnumber Japanese fans.... or that visual kei is more popular outside of Japan than inside.

    About the SuG song.... again, interpretation is everything. I don't see them mocking their foreign fans. The song isn't quoting phrases and terms used by weeaboos. Those are Japanese terms used in fashion and youth culture. It's directed at foreigners who are obsessed with these things. Sure, some SuG fans are like that.... but why is it okay for foreign fans to mock them and an insult if SuG does it? That's a bit hypocritical, no?

    And on a side note, Reizoko & Arithmetica made some comments about English teachers not speaking Japanese. The Japanese companies prefer that. They don't want the person they've hired to speak Japanese, they only want them to speak English with the students. Most people are hired as an ASSISTANT teacher. There's also a Japanese English teacher and they work together to teach the class.

    And yes, their system of learning English is TERRIBLE. I've talked with so many people who've taught in Japan and they've all said the same thing LoL.... it's *really* bad. But, that's just how it has been set-up. And they don't question or try to change things in Japan, so it's going to stay that way.

  6. While I love KIDDIE's happy & fun side, I was really hoping for a bit more of their serious side (something along the lines of Utsukushiki Redrum). Seems like both of these are happy/fun, so I'm a little disappointed. Nonetheless, both of these songs sound really good... so I'm still very much looking forward to them

  7. Some interesting artist/song pairs but.....

    - Mix Speaker's,Inc. / Moonlight Densetsu (Sailor Moon)

    Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no ... I don't like seeing this one.

    - Ricky + Little Alien / A Cruel Angel's Thesis (Neon Genesis Evangelion)

    Ricky? As in Ricky, Ricky (DASEIN, MICRO HEAD 4N's, etc)?! Wow.... how many projects is he going to be a part of LoL (not that I'm complaining, more Ricky is always good).... but who (or what) is "Little Alien" LoL

  8. While I'm glad to see another album... the fact that it has only been a year since GEMINI is a little worrisome. Of course, after their Hana release, they kind of took a year off from releasing new music. Maybe they're making up for that now. Hopefully "9" will be a great album too.

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