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Posts posted by kyoisKILLINGME

  1. just forget it.....

    and something else my sister(who i fucking hate forever) and her stupid friends

    ate like the half box ramen.... seriously half of the fucking box is gone...!!

    i just fucking got them!! and shes a fucking thief causes she took some...too..

    ugh i fucking hate her so much...

    so i might kill her next time if she does it again....so you guys might see me on the news!!


  2. some girl in my school won a Twilight book set...

    i freaking wanted it... and im still mad about it >___<; , i could of actually had something to read once in my life...

    fucking crap...

    Visit a library and talk to a librarian, I am SURE that they can get you set up with so many other books that you will enjoy that are FAAAAR better than Twilight. Oh, and it is free. Don't be pissed about it, do something.

    oh! I'll ask my mom to get it for me for Christmas!! :D im always asking for games and stuff

    so im sure she'll buy it for me...lol i hope...even though it's far away...

  3. i really HATE mega-upload with there stupid download limits seriously!! one wants

    to buy a fucking Premium crap. it's too much freaking money why can't we

    just use it for free!?! and now i have to wait to download this album FUCKING GREAT.


    I hear ya, I wish media fire could be used for everything xD

    lol i prefer media fire over mega upload any day... XD , anyways i officially decided that

    i hate....Hair Salons :D (LONG STORY) and i had a headache also.. so i didn't really have a good

    weekend... ._______________.

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