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Everything posted by gwsm

  1. gwsm

    I'm unsure what to think of this.
  2. gwsm

    I'm familiar with Deep Six and The Mephistopheles of Los Angeles, but I'll give the other songs another shot, thanks! I don't think Manson necessarily has to sing about politics or current events to be interesting, and I don't care much for his shock value, I never found him very shocking to begin with. But I think that his commentary on these things used to be both insightful and general/fundamental enough to somehow be applicable to someone fairly unfamiliar with traditional american and christian values. The the more personal lyrics as of late feels (to me) very hard to relate to, and like you mentioned often sounds a bit cringey. Perhaps it's related to the split with Interscope, that would explain the sudden shift in quality between The high end of low and Born villain!
  3. I haven't really got into Dadaroma yet, and this doesn't seem to be the release to change that
  4. gwsm

    Welcome! It's great to see some Kishidan and Ryū ga Gotoku love in here!
  5. gwsm

    I did listen to Third Day of a Seven Day Binge quite a lot, but I never managed to get into the rest of The Pale emperor. I did only listen to the whole thing a few times though, so I should probably give it another shot. Do you have any gems from the album to recommend? I really wanted to like Born villain since I liked The high end of low so much, but I can't honestly say one good thing about it besides the You're so vain cover. We know where you fucking live is the first song I heard from HUD, so I should probably listen to a few more songs before I judge the whole album. I guess my problem is partly that Manson sounds a bit like a band that's very inspired by the mid- to late 90's Manson sound, but doesn't know how to write interesting songs, I think a lot of it is very "samey" and forgettable. But most of all I'm not a huge fan of Manson's lyrics anymore, I don't know if the old stuff is better or if I just listened to it so much it started to sound good, but whenever I hear lines like "I don't know if I can open up, I'm not a birthday present" or "I know where you fucking live" I just instantly feel like changing song. I guess it's just not for me!
  6. gwsm

    I preordered the new Kizu single a while back. I obviously haven't received it yet, but I payed for it so I guess it counts?
  7. gwsm

    I really liked The high end of low but I'm having a hard time getting into the two subsequent albums, and I feel like everything I disliked about those two albums is culminating in this new single. I have no hope for the upcoming album, I'm just happy I didn't spend money on the fall tour at this point.
  8. gwsm

    I listened to the sample but forgot what it sounded like before I got down to the comment box.
  9. gwsm

    Currently reading Grifter's game by Lawrence Block.
  10. gwsm

  11. gwsm

    Whoa, I never knew. I'm listening to the Nosaka version now and it's interesting, but I still think the Togawa version is the best.
  12. This is interesting, I get some old cosmo-shiki vibes.
  13. I wouldn't mind M and/or Kyokutou girl friend coming back.
  14. gwsm

    The cover art alone got me super hyped for this!
  15. gwsm

    I can't wait to hear "CLOCK JOKER".
  16. gwsm

    I prefer this sound over their first single.
  17. gwsm

    It looks to me like the pre-sale tickets are no longer available (Since 17/8/23(水)18:00 Japanese time). In that case your only option is buying tickets at the door. There's barely any difference to the price, so as long as you show up in time (they seem to start selling tickets at the door an hour before they open) you should be fine. I haven't been to Japan/ aJapanese concerts for years, so I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm totally off here. Besides the links you provided, my answer is based on this information from their website: 前売り: ¥3,500 / 当日: ¥3,800 ※D代別 ■A:Eプラス A001〜A200 (チケット発売日2017年6月25日10:00) http://sort.eplus.jp/sys/T1U14P0010163P0108P002229249P0050001P006001P0030001 ■B:バンド予約(エリア受付にて開場1時間前〜引き換え) B001〜 ※入場順A→B→当日券
  18. Wasn't a huge fan of their first single, but this is okay!
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