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Dark Kinma

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Posts posted by Dark Kinma

  1. I like both, it isn't just restricted to "old" & "new", we don't talk about "old rock" & "new rock"... It's different, not the same vision of music.

    All period have their good and bad band... and old vk isn't exception to this rule, they would be foolish to say old is better than new, because some old band are very, very crappy (and conversely off course).

    the mode of expression be changed, marketing too. but we must live with the times, and don't live in the past, La:Sadie's or Lubis Cadir (or other old band) never come back.


    I think if we are in the 90's, we have the same disputation between 80's Visual kei & 90's....

  2. :D


    Ah yes, FedEx ^^ Great shipping, really fast and delivery is like 3 days after it got shipped. ^^

    Yes me too! I'm curious how his booklet designs are!

    I receive in 4days with air mail ^^ I think we doesn't need to pay more, for 1 day ^^

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