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Dark Kinma

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Everything posted by Dark Kinma

  1. Dark Kinma

    Maximum the Hormone – 予襲復讐
  2. Dark Kinma

    INHALE-the darkest days
  3. Dark Kinma

    Lulu – 被験者NO.049
  4. Dark Kinma

    dolore – Ophelia
  5. oh damn, but that's not a surprise, they were a metal band and now a J-rock band that's sure all members don't approve this choice.
  6. Dark Kinma

    Yes, Jeff is leaes the band for return in USA in his family. Nice to see a new vocal, hope he will stay much longer.
  7. Dark Kinma

    Vivid – 「夢」~ムゲンノカナタ~
  8. Dark Kinma

    When your cat's going to take a break for picture, my dog's say "God, Dog's life is sooooo hard" :
  9. Dark Kinma

    Vivid – Take-off
  10. Dark Kinma

    Moi dix Mois – neo pessimist
  11. Dark Kinma

    Moi dix Mois – Dialogue Symphonie
  12. Lustknot. Letter Ready to send !

  13. Dark Kinma

    already O_o ? it's a passage flash. Btw good luck in your study. See You!
  14. Dark Kinma

    look and music are nice. wait to listen more ^^.
  15. Dark Kinma

    Lazarous – MI
  16. Dark Kinma

    DELUHI – Frontier
  17. Dark Kinma

    キャサリン – 手首
  18. Dark Kinma

    spiv states – SPIV STATES
  19. For poeple who don't have buy the first and would like this release, that's nice, and we can have a bonus song. Even if I think the best artist for make a Halloween theme it's artist like The candy spooky theater, it's nice to see a lot of artist who don't have the same music's vision, collaborated for the same project.
  20. Dark Kinma

    ゾディア – 果て無き絶望、朽ち果てる太陽
  21. Dark Kinma

    ゾディア – 慟哭
  22. Dark Kinma

    Welcome here. nice to meet you (gazette... I like trust, so everybody have his bad band... I joke (but yes I'm not really their first fan ^^) So I hope you will have more fun with us ^^
  23. Dark Kinma

  24. Dark Kinma

    DIR EN GREY – 業
  25. Dark Kinma

    ゼロト ~ZEALOT~ – Dig vulva
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