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Everything posted by KnottedUp

  1. KnottedUp

    Northern Kentucky, not to be confused with Kentucky. lol
  2. KnottedUp

    Wow. This thread is super dead, which is kinda sad. I love MSI. -pokes thread- Uhhh, does phoenix down work? Or did Sephy kill this one? They're coming to America this Summer. They'll be at AnimeNEXT. And, and, and, they're had lots of releases since this thread was last poked.
  3. KnottedUp

    I'm new here (obv) and I want to make friends. I only know a few other JRock fans in person, so I would love having more people to talk to about it because it is one of my favorite things. I go by Knot, Lynn, or Bixarre, but that's subject to change (I always seem to get new nicknames with every forum I enter lol). My favorite band has been Dir en grey since I was in the 8th grade (probably for the best I didn't think to look up lyric translations back them lol). Right now, I'm really into ViViD and Versailles. PMs are welcome! They make getting to know people one on one LOTS easier, imho. Oh, and my favorite color is purple!
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