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Posts posted by Valicious

  1. Apologies to our Firefox-using-buddies at the stream yesterday! We pushed out a fix for the chat issue, so the bug should be gone


    We just added a new feature to help you keep track of the items you've won(and your budget :P) at our livestreaming auctions! You can check it out from the following link
    Or from clicking the link in the site's side menu or under the bid box on the stream page.
    We'll continuously be working on new features like this one, so if you've got any suggestions or issues then just let us know <3

  2. 1 hour ago, clow_eriol said:

    Pardon my ignorance, but the shipment to Europe in auctions  is the same price as a normal purchase through the store? (this one calculated by cart, for example "First-Class Package International Service™ (1 package): $13.50")


    Actually, it is much less.  Since a lot of people in the livestreams are from Europe, we are able to use our shipping center in Germany.  All packages to the EU save an average of 40-45%.  Customers in Germany save 45-55%


    Does that help?

  3. Latest RarezHut newsletter is out!  Among other things, don't forget about our 10% OFF sale using code MOVE10


    This Week's New Products

    パニックちゃんねる(Panic Channel) & PANIC☆ch - 「デビュー戦」~皆の誓い 編~   $4   *limited to 2000 copies*

    Alice Nine - 百合は蒼く咲いて   $4   *contains PV DVD*

    MADARA - 我神昌嘆   $5   *limited to 2000 copies*

    Vizell - Gift   $4

    ElDorado - EGOISM(1st press)   $4

    Psycho le Cému - 激愛メリーゴーランド  $4

    Ambivalent - Spoiled  $4   *live-distributed* *limited to 500 copies*

    V.A. - 413Tracks,Inc. FREE SAMPLER CD 2004  $4   *contains Bang-Doll, TOKYO YANKEES, Karma Tribal, Cloud Nine, VIVE, PIRANHA, KRUSHGROOVE, POUND FISH CAKE, SPOOKY SIX MOUSE)

    TOON-FACTORY - Innocent &nbsp; $4

    It - a lost child/36.6℃   $4

    the FUZZ - Trigger   $4   *SHUNSUKE ex. JILS solo project*

    姫苺(Hime Ichigo) - 西九条秋の空   $7   *live-distributed*

    PIECE - BRAVE HEARTS   $18   *includes PV DVD*

    LAREINE - Métamorphose   $4

    V.A. - ゴルゴダ回廊  $10   *special commemoration CD from Club ALIVE* *mail-order only* *contains Escalera, 紅蝉(Benizemi)*

    ウツセミ(Utsusemi) - KAIBUTU/遺書とラブレター   $4

    ビリー(Billy) - Butterfly United  $4

    シリング@倶楽部(Shiring Club) - Addicted -消えない心-  $8

    BugLug - 骨(Type A) &nbsp; $6

    MIRAGE - &nbsp;Risk en Eve  $4

    アルルカン(Arlequin) - ステラ(Type B)   $25

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