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Posts posted by Valicious

  1. I don't exactly know where else to say this, but you wanted feedback on your business-tactics and whatnot and this seems like a part of the forum where your activity is centered at. So I am sorry to say this, but you might just be chasing your customers away if you keep complaining about one instance where things didn't go as well as you would have liked initially. It truly feels as if you are accusing us of not showing up at your streams every single time by posting these passive-aggressive messages all over the forum since last weekend. Moaning about not being able to pay your rent unless we empty your catalogue is also one of them, in my eyes it's also an odd thing to set up a business when you're not financially ready for it, and then proceed to push the blame towards your customers. It is a less than professional stance towards your customers to constantly push their noses into your discontent and it very well might be one of the greater factors that keeps people at bay. It certainly isn't inspiring me to show up.


    ummm....that was pretty much just meant to continue the chain of "When your work...." posts, as well as referring to job hunting.  I've sent out over 1000 resumes and applications, only to be met with deafening silence.

    I made my a few posts earlier about asking for feedback (even before last weekend), Biopanda wrote up a great post earlier in this thread (which seemed to get overlooked).  We were financially very stable when we started this business over 3 years ago, but us both getting laid off from our jobs last November has created a very rocky situation.  We would never place that blame on our customers and truly appreciate all of the support we've gotten from the community.


    When RarezHut rejoined Monochrome Heaven in January, one of the staff members gave me a piece of advice that is proving to be more true every day.  He said that, as a business owner, everything you do or say is held to a higher level and scrutinized more than it would be otherwise.  I respected and took that advice to heart at the time, but now I am seeing the true wisdom in those words.  If people already feel a certain way about something, they will construe any comment- regardless of context- to support those views.  You see evidence of this all the time in fandoms and politics.  

    This is why you don't see businesses run their social media accounts like personal accounts.  They make posts about relavent business activities and limit comments to others to things such as "Glad you enjoyed that" or "Thank you for the feedback".  

    I love this community and participating in it, but I see now that is not possible without overanalyzing everything I do or say.  Silence is often the best option, so I will heed the advice I was given  and follow the example set by other businesses and not post as "Valicious" anymore.

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