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Posts posted by ryoustyle

  1. it appears that Gt.福(fuku) will retire for band activities after their last one-man live "FINAL DECOPIN FANTASY" at Nagoya HEART LAND at 2013/04/21


    Aw I didn't know ;_; I will miss him, he wrote some of the best songs for them. I really hope the others will still continue making music, visual kei or not D:

  2. Around 2006, girl I was kind of forced to hang out with had me listen to Miyavi. I didn't admit I thought he seemed kind of cool. When I was alone and was going to youtube him by myself I forgot how his name was spelled and forgot about it. Some months later I saw a banner with him on myspace and youtubed him and later found alice nine that became my first favourite vk band.

  3. I think what I love the most with the album is that it has a red thread running through the whole album. The only thing I can "complain" is that I think Psychic paradise would have fitted better than CAMEL but that's just my opinion. I really hope a DVD will be their next release, I have wanted one since their abyss "era".

  4. I was surprised to see they didn't have a topic here already.  Fitting to start one now with the new album out and all. What did you all think about it?

    I personally loved it, it linked together well with the previous two singles, they seem to have found a steady ground in their music.

  5. ^ No info whatsoever, sorry (at least vkdb doesn't state whether they're doing anything music-related).


    Aw, I felt it was coming, what a shame. Oh well thank you for the information!

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