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Everything posted by Cana

  1. Cana

    is it really an announcement for An cafe's new single or a singe for KanonxKanon because there are NO offical news on An cafe's OHP and Miku dosn't post something about this on twitter too.. So I'm a bit confused about this news. ô.o And I think it's weird he's saying things about AN cafe on a concert with Kanon W. it's like Sou from ex-lolita23q would announcement a CD for the new lolita23q, in my opinion. I think he announced a CD for KanonxKanon and that he said that KanonxKanon will be back in 2012. When I will be wrong with my opinion I apologise but till there are NO offical news I will not believe in this, sorry o.o it's like all the rumours about Bou's leaving and what he's doing now.
  2. Omg thank you so much for this news ;___; <3 that's AMAZING!!
  3. Shiyuu Q___Q omg... I wanna see him so badly.. great news!
  4. Cana

    Sorry für den doppelpost, aber ich würde die CD's wie versprochen gern kaufen <3 Wohin soll ich das Geld schicken bzw für 3 CD's sollte das Porto noch gelten oder? Sonst überweis ich 2,20 Porto dann kannste es sicher in sonem gepolsterten Umschlag versenden dann passiert da auch nichts dran danke schonmal
  5. Yes I agree with you.. I also didn't liked there "newer" cd's when the other members were still in the band. But I also wasn't that surprised when the members leaving Serial Number because of there music.. it seems like they don't wanted to make such kind of music. Also that they never released there "new" PV's as DVD was a sign for me that something went totally wrong.. I really had the feeling they will disbanding. But they didn't .. but the real.. serial Number isn't anymore.. they arn't the band I loved the most.. now it's a NEW band for me, even with the same name. So.. I will wait for there new release.
  6. Cana

    dankeschön das ist lieb ^__^ ich meld mich dann wieder ja
  7. Cana

    Hallo ^^ Ich wäre an ein paar deiner CD's interessiert und wollte vorweg fragen, ob es möglich wäre, sie mir bis zum ersten September auf HOLD zu setzen, weil ich dann erst wieder Geld bekomme >///< Interesse hätte ich an folgenden CD's ALSDEAD - S.a.g.A (+signed photograph)(sold out) - 10€ Decola Hopping - パピヨン(Papillion)(sold out) - 5€ PIECElang - YeeeeeeeeeLL⇒ (+ Like an Edison privileged photograph) - 8€ das wäre wirklich super lieb, ich meld mich dann auch wieder!!
  8. Gt.MIHIRO(ex-狂夜(kyouya)-->PinkFilm-->Gill'e cadith-->Mudgett-->VARIATIONS) has joined シリアル⇔NUMBER(serial NUMBER) at 2011/08/14 Whuuuuuu O_O He was in a band with Miki from Mix Speaker's Inc (pink film) that's... wow XD .. this were news I never planned with XD .. thank you for this news that's amazing to know were they are comming from ><
  9. Cana

    I think it's a matter of options which band is the better one XD I also like MSI more because I haven't heard from PLC before, only after I started to listen to MSI songs my friend gave me some songs from PLC and they were very cute indeed. But MSI will always be my favourite one ^___^ And I'M really looking forward for there new CD *__* I will buy the Limited one FOR SURE XD I want to know what's on the DVD >__<°
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