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Posts posted by Dead;Stam;Alive

  1. I like this mini album A LOT.

    A short review.

    Daybreak ~13月の色彩~: Pretty good. But i dont really like the fan service on the PV. The 'rough' fan service. If it was up to me I 'd say 'just sit back relaxed and make out' xD 4/5

    Be naked: I like it more 4,3/5

    リトル・メアリーと美しき憎しみのドナウ: The best song from a visual band that i listened to lately. 4,8/5

    I feel you: A good fast song. Might be the weakest in the mini though. 3,8/5

    君の真っ白な羽根: It was just ok, but the ending alone is just marvelous 4/5

  2. The samples are all very nice!

    I really like Little Mary too.

    And i know which song will follow ''be naked'' in my playlist.---> Deathgaze - Fuck me.

    EDIT: After a few listens, little Mary reminds me of Kalafina. Or am i wrong? I like it a lot.

    Damn 1 month is long.

  3. ROUGE grows in you. First time i listened to it, i thought it was just ok. But after 2-3 listenings i found almost all tracks very good.

  4. I like all 3 previews, ballad the least though.

    I only hope they wont take the girugamesh route, music->now->go

    I m saying that because of the sudden much use of electronic music in girus album 'music'.

    But i m pretty sure they wont. I believe.

  5. I think its safe to say that they tried to experiment a bit with their sound. In at least 2 of the 3 songs. I hope everyone is happy now since their main concern is ''they are doing the same thing'' etc.

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