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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by RED RUM

  1. I have no idea what you mean with 'they really don't need to do this to themselves' because they like SCREW and Sadie (It's Kaitos favourite band) & as long as they enjoy it and as long as they are still active I am thankful for ANY session live they have, even if it's an Ayumi Hamasaki session.

  2. R.I.P. ;_;

    (seriously wtf is going on?

    do they have problem with their doctors there? i am seriously starting to believe that their health care system sucks.

    do people suicide more easily there?

    and what is everytime all the secrets about the way they died. this does not happen in america and europe.

    i am really curious)

    Actually they really have very strange doctors there so if you ever be in Japan, pray that you won't get sick since they'll give you EVERYTHING but the stuff you actually need (happened to me during my first trip to Japan).

  3. anyway, maybe the news was coming from HERESY?

    you know, fan clubs usually get first heads up than any body else.

    it wasn't because then every FC member would be like " skdfljdfkljsflk DO NOT SHARE! " again.

  4. Hmm, BRAINSTORM releases at the start of Autumn....what happened to the summer single? Ahh whatever i'm satisfied as long as i get some new stuff :D

    Actually there wasn't something like a summer single.

    They said that they are going to release a DVD and ONE single in Autumn. ^^;

  5. Did someone just say shit 2/3 albums? If you are referring to RES/ Bottom of chaos then wow, you have BAD taste. : )

    But I agree with Satsuki being completely hit or miss. I'd say there's more miss and the ones that suck are super cheesey, but the few songs that are good are quite good. I'd welcome a revival I suppose... but I first want to see solo projects from Takumi and I'm looking forward to forbidden days rhapsody 2nd release.

    Just because you like the albums it doesn't mean that others have to do so or have a BAD taste : )

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