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Everything posted by Dionixia

  1. Dionixia

    Dir en grey - DISABLED COMPLEXES
  2. Dionixia

    Oh well, it's not like they are Diru and their fanbase will kill me for repeating interview questions... right? D:
  3. Dionixia

    All female rock/alternative band. http://www.myspace.com/noodlesvelvet http://noodles.velvet.jp Who likes them? Anyone seen any interviews with them on the net before? I seem to be having trouble finding them. XD
  4. Dionixia

  5. Dionixia

    obviously, even though I do have a lot of things I could/should be doing Do you work?
  6. Dionixia

    I'd slap him upside the head with a dirty look on my face while saying, "What the fuck, man?". What would you do if you lost electricity for a week?
  7. Dionixia

    spend no more than 50 cents. you're supposed to be all alone at the house and you see movement out of the corner of your eye...... what do you do?
  8. Dionixia

    Call the cops to haul him away. D: *doesn't like Bou* What would you do if you could go back in time and change ONE event?
  9. Dionixia

    yes. Do you like dreads?
  10. Dionixia

    dreads! I can't wait.
  11. Dionixia

    "Weird Al" Yankovic - White & Nerdy
  12. Dionixia

    "think I'm just too white and nerdy" XD
  13. Dionixia

    Yes, but I was 3/4/5 at the time, so.... XD listen to Rusika? (If no, you should!)
  14. Dionixia

    sleep and MMORPGs....
  15. Dionixia

    Yes..... because I'd just buy it all back and then some. The backstage pass would be irreplacable, but I'd deal. (I love loopholes. ) Do you have a library card?
  16. Dionixia

    No. Does zombie porn make you hungry? XD
  17. Dionixia

    Tales of Pirate sisn't half bad for a free MMORPG.... I hope I can get to lv 50 before Oct 20th XD
  18. Dionixia

    *gag* no! Tea addict?
  19. Dionixia

    lol XD
  20. Dionixia

    I hate it that my ex feels it's ok to play daddy to our beautiful little girl after 5 years of not being around just because his new gf convinced him to let her play mommy. I keep my inner bitch locked up real tight because he IS her biological father.... but that is ALL he has going for him! He can't even give me the $200 monthly court ordered child support check! Doesn't stop him from trying to buy her love with a bunch of cheap toys that I've told him to stop giving her because we don't have room and she already has plenty of toys.
  21. Dionixia

    Carrie Underwood - Before He Cheats
  22. Dionixia

    PFFT! What are youtalking about?! YOU confused ME! XD No thanks, I perfer DVDs played on my comp. Own a dictionary?
  23. Dionixia

    Dorks, the lot of ya!
  24. Dionixia

    I want to go to bed.
  25. Dionixia

    If tripping over my daughter in the shower and nearly cracking my skull counts. Creepy incest anime or disturbing zombie hentai?
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