I found a pretty new VK webshop today. It's called Chaotic Harmony and the have some pretty well priced goods from a handful of VK groups. They have a special deal going on now too for 10% off if you use the code Vkei10 at checkout.
I really like the prices and I think some of the items can only be bought at lives.
I'm just supremely happy that a visual kei artist was chosen. I'm sure Mr.Karpis looked through a lot of artists and choose who he thought would lend a good vocal to his art. This will most definitely turn some metal heads towards Japan, which we KNOW has a ton of awesome artists to offer.
I like the optimism of booking an event a year ahead, but let's be real. this is the J-rock scene and bands come and go. Overall i have a lot of hope for this group to go further, especially since their first PV was a great debut.