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Everything posted by neine

  1. You can see it in Ray's (Nega) ameblo http://ameblo.jp/undercode-ray/entry-11399171243.html so it's true, Saran won't play with them
  2. First of all, reverie, that "fellow fan" wants to know who are you cause you're spreading her info... Now, if you give info, give it right, cause that's not what that "fellow fan" wrote and you didn't find that info on tanuki cause you just wrote what she said (excluding keita's marriage) but changing things. That "fellow fan" went to Japan to see Rubi playing with Kameleo & others, and she met some japanese fans that told her some "rumors". They didn't disband cause they had a fight, they disbanded cause they weren't selling anymore... Rumors don't say Emiru and Rubi had a fight, they had a fight with Reon, not with each other. The part about Rubi and Emiru starting new bands is right, and the part about Saran leaving music and being an employee is right too. There are no news about Reon, so we don't know if he's retired or not. And about Keita getting married... this is a rumor too, on tanuki they say a lot of bullshit, like he got married to a Korean old women and lives in Kanagawa but those fans she met told her he lives in Ishikawa (his hometown) so that thing about marriage doesn't seem to be true. Anyway, these are just rumors, nothing official, but don't trust tanuki very much cause anyone can go there and spread lies and stupid things...
  3. No, rubi won't be the drummer, he'll play guitar, the drummer will be takeshi (kameleo's drummer). Here's the official info: 【日付】2012年8月23日(木) 【会場】渋谷REX 【時間】OPEN 18:00 / START 18:30 【料金】前売\3,000 / 当日\3,500 (drink代別) 【出演】カメレオ / チームたけし チームたけし Dr.たけし Vo.Ryuji(SwallowtaiL) Gt.ルビリンゴ Gt.ユッキー(N@H) Ba.seiya(ex.バイオレット、spiv states) Dj.ライ(N@H) You can find it here: http://ameblo.jp/kameleo-takeshi/entry-11299490691.html
  4. that arrow should be a mistake, someone wrote saran was going to leave music but that's not official, and rubi will play with kameleo's drummer and others next month, but it seems it will be just a session band for takeshi's birthday..
  5. I think Saki left music and got married, right? You can follow hisayoshi here if anyone is interested: http://ameblo.jp/hisayoshi1129/ https://twitter.com/#!/hisayoshi_1129
  6. neine

    You should give credits... this translation was made by Willpan33, here's the original one: http://preludelyrics.blogspot.com/
  7. neine

    dead? but http://toshivk.blogspot.com/2011/05/lilas-lost-their-bassist.html here says he's alive but he left the band... am I wrong?
  8. neine

    Karasuma, Shii is okay, he's updating his ameblo
  9. neine

    ... so, he's alive..? I really hope it... thanks Zesshoku, and I'm a girl ^^ I feel stupid everytime I post something in this forum...
  10. neine

    omg... I'm shocked now thanks for the info Herpes, how did you know that? did the other WilL members say it or...?
  11. neine

    sorry but "departed" means he will leave the band? i'm not an english speaker and when I translated "departed" my dictionary said "die" so... I'm confused... I was interested in them...
  12. neine

    It was just a suggestion... I saw a similar group where fans can report fake musicians profiles and I thought it could be another one of visual kei... I didn't say I'm gonna "bitch" them, just report profiles or at least make some kind of list to advise uncertain fans that they're fakes.. Some of you said nobody would believe they are real, I didn't either and it would be okay if they wanna pretend to be "stars" but I've realized that some people do believe them, that's why I thought about this. There are new "visual fans" and "not so smart" fans in this world and not every profile is written in English.. I wasn't saying I would spend my time searching fakes... just watching the "super stars" my facebook friends add is enough for me... I admit some of you are right and this is stupid, it's just that I feel bad for people who believe them, that's all, I'm not gonna create any group if nobody's interested..
  13. neine

    Hi everyone... Maybe nobody cares about this but I am thinking about making a Facebook group/page where people can post and report false "visual kei profiles". I mean... I have realized that there are a lot of people, who have no life (in my opinion), that create fake profiles pretending to be visual kei musicians, this wouldn't be a problem... just a stupid thing... but some of them are cheating "innocent" fans (yes, there are) who think they are their real idols. I would like to stop this... or al least, to try it but I'm just one person and I need help, so if anyone thinks like me and is interested in making a group/page like this, please, let me know! P.S. If you like to role-play, it's okay but you should say it clearly on your profile so fans can know it... P.S.2. Sorry if this is in the wrong section, I wasn't sure where to post it.. P.S.3. Sorry for my English
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