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Everything posted by LeMerrie

  1. LeMerrie

    my mom tells me to knock it off with the swear words, too. It's a good thing she isn't in any of my private groups
  2. LeMerrie

    I still have six minutes...
  3. LeMerrie

    exactly n_n
  4. LeMerrie

    All of you are perverts...now what was this about a vk pr0n thread?
  5. LeMerrie

    Yeah, so sad. Such insufferable heathens. Why can't they be perfect like us, the biological elite? I wonder... It was a joke by the way, I'm american myself.
  6. LeMerrie

    I would really like to see that .gif, please I like anime...but it took me a really long time to get into it becasue the fans where annoying as fuck... :x
  7. LeMerrie

    Americans are so hilarious in their mass ignorance. I almost pity them...
  8. LeMerrie

    lmao, no wonder some of my friends ignore me when I try to talk to them in english XD *lives in mexico*...
  9. LeMerrie

    I second that
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