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Posts posted by flikflak

  1. Thanks ? :D

    It was actually a small part in one of the artist's big as fuck drawing (the kind that spawns the entire back). Wanted to show you some of his drawings but can't find any. His style is awesome.

  2. I live in a big city, so I even don't know which artist I should choose... that's difficult. I also want my tattoo to be something personal, but I don't know what's so special about me. I don't want to regret anything later or get bored with it.

    The only way is to go around some of the shops and check their books. Each artist has his own style, so you'd better hang around a bit and see one who have the drawing style you like most.

    eg, I got a tattoo done right under my collarbone looking like that, it's an original design by the artist who tattoed me, but if I'd been to another tatto artist the design would have been totally different with the same elements (butterflies and an eye) :


  3. I never understand why people are so "fuck you 2010!!! and whyyyy are the jrockers dyiiiiiiiing", considering how fucking massive the industry is and the fact they're musicians. Most do drugs/drink/pills. They're mostly young. Shit happens.

    Totally agree. Some were well known for taking a hellot of drugs (like Zill), and those listed span a good 20 years, but there're probably some we don't know about.

    And it's probably not that bad to have a topic on that.

    As for the "massive industry" part...

    well, if you take only vk in account it's no bigger than any other music scene in Japan, it just has more coverage in our countries. In order to know if they've a high death rate you'd need to make a comparison with the other music scenes and music scenes outside of Japan in countries similarly developped like Russia or the USA.

    As for 2010, there were 4 or 5 vk band members who died, there was not that many in the 3/4 previous years so it's unusual for most of the fans. That's probably the reason why they're like that. I personnaly don't care that much, it's good to remember them that's why I listed all those I could find, but, I mean, people die, get over it.

  4. - Chihiro and Hiroshi from the Piass, they fell from a bridge while filming a PV (1995/10/25)

    - Yoshio from the Piass, he killed himself in 1997

    What an awfull way to finish a band.

    Actually, they're still good and going, even thought they've released nothing for a year and a half ^^


    As for the "daisuke controversy" going on, the official reason given is that there was a get together, so he drank alcohol with his friends, got home around 1 am, took some medicine because of late he had a hard time sleeping, but because he was wasted took too much and that's why he died.

  5. There's also :

    - Taku from heisei isshin (2010/12/10, cause unknown)

    - Shiyou from Yoidore (2004/08/25)

    - Ryou from Visage (2004/10/12)

    - Kazuki from Raphael (2000/10/31)

    - Zill from Moran (2010/07/23)

    - Utsukushi Ibitsu from Deshabillz

    - Shin, who was in labial, and a staff of red list entertainment later on (2010/09/12)

    - Well, Jasmine You (2009/08/09)

    - Kenta from never crazy (2005/05/26)

    - Kary from lady (2004/03/09)

    - Taisuke from Penicillin, Deshabillz, BAISER, swallowtail (2001/07/16)

    - Yuuta from La'miss fairy (2005/11/xx)

    - Kami from kneulid romance, malice mizer

    - Jun, who had been in Deshabillz (2006/08/xx)

    Here is a list : http://www.vkdb.jp/%BB%E0%B5%EE.html There's not everyone thought, it's at least missing most of those Cibicco-san listed, and 4 others :

    - Chihiro and Hiroshi from the Piass, they fell from a bridge while filming a PV (1995/10/25)

    - Yoshio from the Piass, he killed himself in 1997

    - Piyo from Gakido, died in an accident (2010/02/12)

    That's all those I know off. Feels like high death rate in vk.

    I think it would be more "interesting" to list all those who are sick, but I'm too lazy to do it.

    Also, too lazy to put pics now, will edit later.

  6. I think what is emotionnal in music in highly subjective.

    It will depend on one's past experiences, likes and dislikes, and one's state of mind at a given time. There's some time in a day or in one's life where a song will be more fitting.

    And then there's the vocals and lyrics. As was said some posts before a good vocalist does not necessarily convey emotions, but sometimes a vocalist who's not that good can convey a lot of feelings.

    eg Siobhan has such an emotional way of singing in Violet Indiana


    This song by Metronome is really beautiful too


    But I think emotions in music are not only about sad songs, and these kind of songs have a lot of emotions in a totally different way, the kind of emotions who make you wake up happily and have a good day.



  7. Like SID, quite a bit of people know SID.:

    I was actually surprised to see how many people know about SID. Never even listened to them but a japanese friend told me one time "My little sister likes vk" and I was like o_Ô but still asked her which band she liked and it became something in the lines of "SID" "and ...?" "And that's all".

    And yeah a lot of people don't know about vk because, as dracolicious already said, the vk scene is like the lowest of the low (even lower than hosts, so that's reeaaaaaally low). The fans are considered either young girls with no brain just good to be mitsu, or old women with shouta-con (and japanese fans are really scary. I hate the japanese audience, not in the same way as I hate the western audience, but they do scare the crap out of me most of the time). I've met some really creepy fangirls in the indie realm. And totally nuts with that.

  8. I hate X japan...I really don't get why they are big and still trying to make a come back.

    Second that. I can listen to 2 to 3 of their songs but that's all. So boring. I also went to their countdown live in 2008 and on a 2 hours performance they played something like 6 songs... they're a big joke. And Yoshiki's so called classical music isn't even good for a Disney movie.

    I can't stans Plastic Tree either. Not like I haven't tried to like them, their visual aspect in really nice and I love Gadget Grow, but the whiny voice is just too much for me. That and the fact that Ryuutarou can't sing live. So awful I want to cry everytime I hear him.

    Gilgamesh, a friend invited me to one of their lives. Excepting the fact that it was 1 hour and a half long with the encore, it sucked so much I almost fell asleep. Only interesting thing was trying to recognize the band members in the more-or-less VIP seats.

    All the Gazette/dir en grey copybands, always doing the same thing without an ounce of inventivity, just because "that's what bangyaru like". And they're usually sucky musicians with that.

  9. Everything used to lay around in boxes and all that things, but I got a hold on myself and now everything is organized in alphabetical order in a stack (those you usually put under your TV), althought I have around 200 CDs it's becoming crowded -_-". Goodies, photobooks, and CD-books are either with my books or nicely put on shelves.

  10. The alternative names of the members in La'royque de Zavy :

    Vo. Sagittarius no Trichomnas (from STD Trichomoniasis), later renamed Takeshi

    Gu. Cancer no Mitsuko, later Fudoumyouoo no Mitsuko (The Immovable Mitsuko [The Immovable is a manifestation of one of the boddhisattvas])

    Ba. Gemini no Legacy, later Kanzaki Jinsei

    Dr. Scorpion no Dokunashi (Scorpion with no poison), later Osamu chang

  11. It also depends on the band.

    A band who's been around since the beginning of the 90s will probably have a lot of older fans compared to a 5 year old band. And there's a lot of older fans in Japan.

    eg one of my own vids (the band name is not written anywhere but I guess those who know the band will know who it is)


    Compared to a band like MUCC, the demographic insight are totally different. For a MUCC vid, more than half of the viewers will be between 13 and 24 and almost 80% are women.

    I guess that's just how it goes. Also, I don't know on what the insights are based, but if it's on what the users wrote in their profile, I think that probably half of the insights are false. There's only a few people who actually put their real info on these kind of websites.

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