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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by scoozie

  1. scoozie

  2. scoozie

    Versailles – SILENT KNIGHT
  3. scoozie

    X JAPAN – Tears
  4. scoozie

    I'll go and buy new strings for my guitar, change them and play a little, while waiting for the guests to arrive. We'll be having a barbeque-party. ^^
  5. scoozie

  6. scoozie

    Versailles – PRINCESS -Revival of church-
  7. scoozie

  8. scoozie

    ... What the hell? LOL! [CD] DRY ICE SCREAM!! (Remove Silence)
  9. scoozie

    Versailles – Catharsis
  10. scoozie

    bis – 人生ゲーム
  11. scoozie

    A dental calculus removal for my dog Olli.
  12. scoozie

  13. scoozie

    ??ワトリン - ??イオク満タンl??ve
  14. scoozie

    B1A4 – 못?? 것만 배워서
  15. scoozie

  16. scoozie

    아웃사???? - 주변??
  17. scoozie

  18. scoozie

  19. scoozie

    Madieduor – -M-官能フォビア
  20. scoozie

    Makkaraperunat (it's basically just french fries, bits of sausage, paprika/garlic mayonnaise and salad. Greasy as hell.)
  21. scoozie

  22. scoozie

    Juno – Multa Sulle Sulttaani (Juno - From me to you Sultan)
  23. scoozie

    Keep. Hot summer days?
  24. scoozie

    No! :'DDD Ever been in sauna?
  25. scoozie

    My head is so confused... I feel kinda bad for rejecting his feelings, though I tried to do it as gently as I could. Now it's all I can think of...
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