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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by scoozie

  1. Two weeks ago I was seeing Miyavi in Helsinki with my friend. I had a pretty good place, in the middle near the stage. It was a pretty good concert, though there were about 4 or so teen-girls (10-14?) and one boy with them. While standing in the line outside, they ate and drank and left all the trash there, to the ground. They screamed and laughed very loudly, such a public disturbance. When the doors opened, I was unlucky enough to get next to them in the hall. They were so noisy during the gig, typical rabid fangirls, one of them screamed straight against my right ear all the time. She tried to push me away, but I hit her with my elbow and she stopped. And during Miyavi was giving a speech about the recent tsunami and earthquakes in Japan, they were talking loudly with each other. After the speech and Gravity, there was an energetic song at some point and they started to push and jump on me again. Everytime they got on my feet/hit me, I hit them with my elbow again. Then they stopped for good and rest of the gig went nicely. Thank god I was wise enough to wear my military boots... My friend was wearing some sort of heels, and her feet were really dead after the gig.

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